

Giving a slight nod Destiny does as she told getting out of the truck and staying between Jason and Alec. Hearing about the van across the street Destiny can feel her head pick up but stays closed between Jason and Alec continuing to move as directed.

Getting into the house and moving down the hall to her room Destiny moves as quickly as she can. Grabbing a backpack Destiny lifts the mattress up on her bed to reveal a little area with a lid. Lifting it she was happy to know the Agency goons didn't raid her house and find it. Quickly retrieving the 4 other folders and the the blinder that was lined with informational pictures She zips the bag up.

Taking her duffel bad from the closet next and hearing Jason's call she goes to her draw to empty stuff into her bad.

"I'm coming...just getting my cloths."

Next it was the closet that she went to pulling out dress, pants, shirt...oh well if they got wrinkled she could worry about that later. Next quickly moving into the bathroom off of her room Destiny grabs some other personal items including her makeup.

Hearing a traitor was with this group a sinister smile forms on Chaz's lips. He always hated traitors, and if they could get in good with the boss this was worth sitting for hours next to Drew in the small van.

Keeping his own gun upholstered now Chaz follows after Drew pushing himself up againt the wall with easy next to him. Giving a small snicker at Drew while he watchs him try and suck his gut in.

Looking to his right and eyeing the window that Drew was talking about Chaz nods. He new his job, don't get trigger happy and keep the girl alive. Those words seemed fouren to Chaz as most his prisoners died but he was under strict orders and he new if he messed this one up he was done for himself.

"You just keep those two busy so I can at least get the girl down, than I'll come help you."

Breaking off from Drew Chaz slinks to the window looking over the ledge for a moment to see where his target was. Seeing Destiny busy in the bathroom he new this would be his opportunity.

Opening the window quietly Chaz slips though it his gun still upholstered moving across the floor and coming to the bathroom he trys to move with ease.

Almost finished in the bathroom Destiny can feel a slight breeze like from an open window. That was strange she didn't have the window in the room open.

Turning to take a look she drops her bag coming face to face with Chaz. Screaming she backs up not being able to go anywhere in the bathroom as Chaz lunges for her.

Moving and kicking Destiny trys to get away but can't in such a confined area. Finally Chaz gets her tightly putting his arm around her throat and squeezing just a little so she couldnt scream, hissing into her ear as he points the gun at her.

"Stop struggling or your gonna end up like your parents sooner than planned."

Destiny can't do anything as her air is being choaked off but shake and Hope Jason and Alec were quick enough to to get here before it was to late.

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