

As Jason's arms are around her Destiny can feel the safety in them. His arms were so strong, and warm she felt as though all fear was whiped away knowing he was there holding her and eveything would be ok.

Not being able to help jumping again as the commotion in the other room Destiny cluch tightens a little more on Jason. Not minding he was half dragging her as they moved down the hall and into the other room. Being close to him would keep her safe is there were any other bad guys.

Coming into the living room Destiny looks up a little to see what was going on and if Alec was ok. Seeing the dead body and the gun in Alec's hand she gives a little shreek and pulls herself to Jason a little more.

Turning once again a few more tears fall from Destiny's eyes. She was strong but this was so much, this was to much. Living thought seeing her own parents dead and now seeing two more bodys to add to it. Even if they were the guys trying to kill her.

Getting back to the room and having Jason bend in front of her Destiny takes a swip at her eyes. Hearing his words and looking back into his own eyes Destiny was thankful for him and what he said. One could see how sensear Jason's was in what he said and it made her feel better.

Giving a nod to the bed Destiny takes in a deep breath finding her voice that seemed buried and didn't want to come.

"You can take the backpack there, its got the important stuff in it. I...I can grab my suitcase. Thank you Jason....for...protecting me."

Destiny walks the rest of the way into the room picking up the backpack and handing it to Jason. In a way she now wished it was Jason who would be her bodyguard. He'd done a good job far would the new person do as well?

Feeling the shift in the emotions Katie can tell everything is ok now, but she can still make out that Jason was upset and she new it could of ment only one thing. A long time ago she had felt this too though now it was stronger than before.

Ok, I'm about to head into his office now and I'll see if Alec called.

Knocking on Reese door Katie waits for the ok to come in and than does so closing the door behind her. Coming a little close to Reese desk she gives a nod. If Alec hadn't called him he'd be able to tell by the look on her face something was wrong.

"Reese, did Alec contact you?"

Opening the door Cassy was a little suprised to see the delivery man with flowers. They were for her? She'd never gotten flowers at her home before, and they were so pretty. Taking them from her and giving her thanks Cassy closes the door before heading to the kitchen. Removing the little note from them her lips spread into a bigger smile.

Going to the cabinet and getting out a vase Cassy arranges the flowers nicely into it before going for her cell phone and calling Leo. Waiting for him to answer her voice had a please tone to it.

"Your a charmer you know that? Thank you for the flowers. They are very pretty"

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