
Changed Mind

Sitting out on the pouch Karla keeps her hands tucked in the pockets of her hoodie. It was chilly out this early in the morning yet but it felt good. Yesterday she had said her goodbyes though they were few.

Later than night when no one had been paying to much attachen Karla has slipped out of the house and headed to here her old apartment was. It wasnt the smartest thing to do that late at night but her only friend for the longest time would be the most important one to say goodbye to.

"Goodbye Rin! I'll miss you!"

Remembering she final words to her long time friend Karla stairs at the star lit shy that soon would be chased away from by the light of the raising sun.

So lost in her thought She doesn't even realize Kip had come out to the porch and she gives a little jump from his voice as it startles her. Recovering quickly though she gives a smile and hops off the railing.

"Maybe I'll ride half way with Twila and Theo and than see how I'm doing after that."

Walking twords the steps Karla was already. Her bags packed, everything she was bringing loaded up. Taking the first step down though she stops, and her heart starts to race. It was a strange feeling...something she'd never felt before.

Turning back around to look at Kip again Karla's eyes almost looked sad. Why did this seem so hard, defiantly something she couldn't do alone.

"I never though it would be hard or scary to leave this place and venture out to something better. But I guess going into the unknown can be."

Slowly holding her hand out to Kip she gives another smile. She didn't want to be alone, she wanted to face this head on with Kip liked they had planned.

"I changed my mind, I can't do this without you. If the offer is still open can I ride with you?"

Though a bit surprised Eli was calling her again so soon letting her know her bike was done she couldn't say she hated it that he had. It was nice talking to him, she didnt mind, and having her bike back a day early would be nice. She liked riding with Eli a great deal but she missed having the dependability of getting places on her own.

"Wow when you said it was going to be delayed a few days I didn't think you meant you would have it ready the next day. Guess you really wanted me to officially be your girl quickly huh?"

Giving a small snicker the teasing tone was in her voice she new Eli hadn't planned it that way it just kind of happened. Gathering some files together of old jobs Scarlet takes them into the extra bedroom and put them on the desk with the other folders. She really needed to put them in the file cabinet sometime.

"I think lunch sounds good, and you picking me up even better. I have to enjoy it while I can, seeing as you wont have to pick me up quite as often anymore. You get to pick the place this time because I did the last one."

Slowly the figure moves away from the large window that over looked the yard. Hope had just come from Dr. Thompson's office ready to head home with how crappy she felt when the sounds and moving meant out the window caught her eyes.

Standing and watching for the longest moment she watched as Scott looked like he was having fun with the same guy from the other day. Though she had no idea who he was it was nice to see a faint grin on Scott's face that had not escaped her own eyes.

Giving a cough and getting a cold shiver Hope moves away from the window. Another day passed and her bed was calling. She was tired, felt like crap and just wanted to sleep. If this didnt let up any and she kept feeling worse a trip to her own Dr. would be in order.

Parking her car and getting out Beth lets out a sigh. After her episode last night very little sleep followed it. By time she had fallen asleep the alarm just woke her up again and though she wanted to now sleep more she had a promise to keep to her sister.

Coming up the walk way Beth can't help but stop dead in her tracks as she see Justin. Not realizing it was him at first Beth was about to start walking again but just happening to catch a glimpse of his eyes she could tell it was him.

Folding her arms across her chest she stays up on the sidewalk quiet for a long moment but finally she can't not say anything any longer.

"First you lose your baseballs so you go crawling around under my car, and now your covered in head to toe with what looks like food coloring. Are you sure you not an escape or is that the consequences of the balls attacking without warning?"

Continuing to keep her arms crossed the corner of Beth's mouth twitches a little as if wanting to turn upward into a grin. She had to admit Justin was amusing to say the least.

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