

Sitting down again and shaking her head along with a laugh Ryan gives a sidelong glace to Misty who was over at her desk. It seemed like non of this phased her and she wondered if Alec was just let her husband and thats why it just didn't seem to phase her.

Turning her attachen back to Alec Ryan thinks for a long moment on his question. Trying her best to hold in the chuckles that wanted to come out with how he sounded.

"Mmm...Yes I have. After I was shot, and woke up..they gave me pain killers through and iv. You think your flying now, hold crap. I understand."

Thinking for a moment on what the could do here tonight Ryan ran a few differnt things through her mind before letting Alec in.

"So what do you wanna do tonight? Want me to go grab food...want me to get any movies, or bring in my dad's card. What would Alec like to do?"

Leaning on the wall and just watching Leo head to the tool box she found it funny but she liked the way he clanked them around on the inside. Silly yes but true.

Hearing his question Cassy thinks for a long moment before finally answering.

"I was trying to practice before you got here and...I twisted my knee the wrong way. It's just really frustrating sometimes."

Cassy gives a warm smile swiping her eyes.

"Other than that I think everything is good. I got you here fixing stuff after all."

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