
What else to do...

Letting out another long sigh Ryan watches as Leo goes back inside. Though she doesn't follow right away still standing out in the rain. Turning back away from the entrance Ryan new for sure now she was crying. She could feel it in her eyes, and she could feel it in her heart as it seemed to break. Angry at her own self for the desition she had made. Leo had been a good guy she had hurt more than once now. But if she had stayed would that have been fair to him? Ryan didn't know the right or wrong answer anymore. She and Alec, had connected in more ways than one they seemed to just bond, but Leo...he was one in a million a really special guy.

Finally using her hand to whip her eyes Ryan was glad the rain was coming down. Someone wouldn't be able to tell she had been crying. Turning and heading back inside Ryan gives a shake to let the water drip off her and dry just a little.

Catching Axel's eyes again Ryan just shakes her head looking away. Everything was a mess and it was her fault, if only Alec really had run off with her maybe things would of been better off that way. She tried, tried talking to Leo and it hadn't of seemed to do any good. What else could she do? Disapearing to her work bench Ryan sits down with some paper work for the car she had been working on to fill it out.

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