
Trust me

Ty lets Libby retrieve her jacket and waits, giving her a nod. "I promise."

Once upstairs, he helps her slip past a few people, knowing all too well the feeling of not wanting to be seen. Though he wished she would be willing to expose the truth, he knew that right now she wouldn't, so he might as well help her all he could.

After they're outside, Ty gets his bike and walks it to Libby's truck, putting it in the back. But instead of going to the passenger side, he stands at the driver's door. She was in no shape to be driving.

He holds out his hands for her keys. "Let me drive... Trust me."

Yawning too, Alec finally gets up from the couch with Ryan. "Shower sounds good. I'll just get clean clothes once I get back to TJY."

After a good long stretch, he wanders around Ryan to head for the hallway, giving her bottom a backhanded swat. "Last one out's a rotten egg..."

...A shower had been good... breakfast had been nice... and being with Ryan had been even better. But eventually they are at TJY, ready for Alec to go inside and for Ryan to go to work. He sits a few minutes though, deep in thought until finally opening the passenger door. "Thanks for the lift. Don't know if I'll be able to get out again tonight after playing hooky last night, but swing on by after work or something... if you want."

Stopping before getting out of the car, he leans over to Ryan, giving her a last kiss for the day, and making it worth the extra few moments. "I know I want you to," he whispers coyly in her ear.

Having Hope's hand on his face, Scott leans into it a little, closing his eyes for just a moment. Eventually, he nods and looks back up at her. "Yeah... okay. I'm not going anywhere." It was almost humorous... almost.

Once he's alone, Scott gets up from the bed again to wander his room. What he'd said to Hope earlier... he still felt. He couldn't do this... not now... not anymore. His nightmares had been one thing... his anger had been one thing... but this feeling that his mind was being taken over without his permission... that was something else.

He still couldn't remember who had come to see him, or what had happened in between then and when he'd snapped out of it with Alec. But he knew how it had felt. And it hadn't been pleasant. In a way, it had been worse than a nightmare... because somehow he'd known it was reality. But without the control to come to grips with what was really going on around him, he'd been a prisoner in his own mind. He would have convinced himself it was a one time only. But then after last night when he'd woken from his dream, he'd felt on the verge of that same place... that place where only data existed and nothing else. It could happen again... it would happen again if he didn't figure out how to make it stop. Ignoring it had not been the answer.

Sinking to the floor, Scott sits in the sun and closes his eyes, waiting for Hope to return. She said she'd talk to Dr. Hawks... he didn't understand why.

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