
Too close

Ty just listens quietly, knowing how scared Libby was, and wishing he could take that fear away somehow. But he knew he couldn't... it just had to fade on its own.

Her question brings his eyes down to his own hand, realizing that she was right. He was still shaking. He gives her hand a squeeze and nods, trying to continue calming his nerves. "Yeah... yeah, I'm okay. I just..." He thinks for a long moment, trying to come up with the right words to say. This whole thing had stirred up a lot inside of him, and he needed to sort through it without making Libby feel worse.

Kicking off his shoes, he brings his feet up on the couch to sit almost sideways, facing Libby. His thumb runs through her palm as his hand still shakes slightly. "I don't like seeing you hurt," he admits softly. "It... upsets me and..." He shrugs. "I guess I got really angry back there."

Swallowing hard, he tries to push back some more thoughts, but they were too stubborn, continuing to rise to the surface. Taking his free hand, he rolls up the sleeve of his shirt to show a scar on his shoulder. "That's... from when I was about twelve. I... fell down the stairs... by way of someone pushing me."

His eyes remain downcast as he pulls up his pantleg to show another mark on his ankle. "That was from a chair... that was thrown at me."

Ty's voice had grown even quieter. He never spoke this specifically of this to anyone, not even Wyatt. "I know how it feels, Libby... to have someone who... who's supposed to love you and care for you... turn on you instead. I just... happened to run away from it quicker than you did."

Finally raising his eyes, a wetness glimmered in his gaze. "And I try to forget. So... seeing you and... then with Victor... I just lost it, knowing you'd been through what I had, and worse. 'Cause no one should have to... especially someone like you."

Looking down again, he gives a little shrug. "I guess it hit too close to home this time."

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