
Something else sweet

Taking a beer out of the fridge for Alec, and grabbing some milk for herself Ryan can finally sit down to enjoy the meal with Alec. She had, had lunch with Alec many times before but to have him sitting at her table and eating with her was completely different. But she liked it, eating with Eli was great but there was just something different a new about enjoying a meal with Alec at home.

Finished with her own meal and seeing Alec was done too Ryan stood and started to clear there plates and the other odd and ends from the table. It defiantly had been a nice dinner, and she was happy they food had turned out well on top of it.

"You're very welcome I am happy you liked the meal."

Turning back to the sick to rinse some of the dishes off before putting them in the dishwasher Ryan turns and looks at Alec letting his question linger. Quirking an eyebrow a grin formed on her own lips. About to make some smart comment that in around about way told him to watch it a bit of releaf washes over Ryan hearing him correct himself to sleeping on the couch.

Giving a chuckle and just continuing to look at Alec Ryan search his eyes for a long moment. Seeing something different in them, it was interesting. Almost soft, curious to see what it was really like to belong somewhere and not just be there because thats where the moment had him. Turning back to the dishes she stick the last plate into the dishwasher holding the silence for a moment.

"I think...that would be a great idea. Don't have any idea when Eli would be home and I could use some company to snuggle on the couch with me. I think some dessert and movies would be a good way to end the night."

Giving him a sidelong glance the sassy grin forms on her lips again her the wheels in her head turned knowing darn well what she said next might be taken as. Taking a few steps closer to where Alec was.

"Though we are fresh out of chocolate cake and whip cream. So we will have to find another tasty treat to have, but I don't think it will be a problem finding it."

Giving a chuckle and enjoying Eli's seance of humor Scarlet makes her way over to the rock to sit down. Bringing a knee up onto the rock and wrapping her arms around it Scarlet continues to watch the color as they shoot off into the sky. Something so simple, so flawless, so pretty.

Just letting the silence rain for a long moment the quiet booms in the distant Scarlet finally turns a little to Eli just looking at him and taking him in for a long moment. How peaceful he looked there.

"So, you like to draw on cars, and have you friends check out chicks before you bother meeting them..."

Scarlet gives a teasing wink to Eli. She wasn't upset anymore she just didn't want him to live it down yet.

Giving a stretch and leaning back on the rock herself finally Scarlet keeps her eyes to the sky watching all the colors as they exploded into reaches of the stars.

"What else hides behind to mysterious dark and handsome eyes of yours?"

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