

"Younger years..." Leo smirks a little with humor at Cassy as she mentions her cooking. He felt anything but old, let alone her.

Her question makes him shrug. "Um... how about supper? That way I can come do more work outside before hand. Hate to work afterward on a full stomach." He grins and polishes off his plate, sighing with satisfaction.

"Very good," he concludes. "Steve must've been crazier than I already thought."

Getting to his feet, he helps Cassy up too, then carries his plate to the counter. "I better get going... I'll swing by tomorrow about ten or so to work for a while. And... just for the record..." He makes sure all the tools are put away and he's got everything he needs to go home. "...you don't need to give me any form of payment, food or otherwise. I'm here 'cause I wanna help."

Aiming for the door, he turns a little though, giving her another grin. "Feel free to cook though - I won't complain." Then turning again, he heads out the door and to his car.

The next morning, the sun shone red behind the thin outskirts of a cloud bank, only to disappear soon after having risen over the horizon. It would remain hidden for the rest of the day as the clouds moved in, pouring rain as they passed slowly overhead. The cool wetness made for a damp chill in the air, a reminder that summer wasn't quite back yet.

Ty parks his bike in the garage and enters the house through the other door, dripping wet. It was no fun not being able to drive. He probably could have called someone, but he didn't like doing that either. Oh well, the bike ride felt good, even if he was soaking wet now.

Making his way down the hall, he enters his room then stops short, having completely forgotten that Libby was in here, and not out on the couch. Slowing down, he tries to be quiet, seeing she's still asleep. Then he heads to the bathroom to strip and shower. Throwing on some comfy sweatpants and a t-shirt, he runs a towel through his hair, though it's still a little damp. Back down the hall, he lets himself into his room quieter this time, and eases over to the bed, sitting down softly. He was glad Libby had gotten some sleep... she deserved it.

Totally exhausted from a very long night at work, Ty doesn't feel like making her move, nor does he want to go try and get comfortable on the couch either. He didn't want to startle Libby though.

Grabbing another blanket, he curls up behind Libby, pulling his own blanket up so he wouldn't invade her space under the covers. He does put his arm around her though and kisses the back of her head lightly before sighing deeply and closing his eyes.

Leo leans on the open garage door frame, looking out at the ran. The steady beat drummed on the metal roof of the auto shop, keeping a rhythm behind the clanking of tools and the periodic hum of engines.

He had been scheduled to have off today, but with the rain, he'd called and left Cassy a message - he couldn't work out in the rain, so he'd meet her later about six o'clock for supper. In the meantime, he had nothing to do, so he'd come in to work. Unfortunately, his mind was far from fixing cars.

Turning a little to look back over his shoulder, he sees Jed and Ron trying to figure out the problem with a pickup truck. In the other corner, Axel worked on another car - he'd been back to work more steadily lately, able to work more and more as his hand improved. And Ryan's bay was full this morning too. For a moment or two, Leo just watches her, until she comes up from the engine and he turns his gaze to look outside again, lest she see him watching her.

Darrel was gone today... Leo could get away with letting himself be pensive, though it was rare that he was, especially when here. When he was at home, sometimes he would take time to just sit and think... but not usually at work, or in public. Today though... something was different. Maybe it was just the rain. Maybe it was the gloom that made it feel like a raincloud was hanging over his heart. Maybe it was everything that had been on his mind since the evening before.

Axel glances up from his work to see Leo still standing at the open door. He'd been there for about fifteen minutes now, and he had yet to join in any laughter or joking with the others. It was very strange and it almost made Axel concerned.

Waiting to catch Ryan's eye, he gives her a look of question, glancing to Leo again, then back to Ryan, wondering if she knew what was up.

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