

Watching Leo Cassy gives a soft chuckle it was her turn to stand now. Moving to shut the tv off Cassy stops as Leo falls on the couch once again. Going over to him and feeling his forhead she frowns her brow.

"Looks like you might be coming down with something. Are you going to be ok to drive? If you think you need a little sleep before attempting it you can crash here on the couch, or in the spare bedroom. Also I can drive you home than bring you car tomorrow when your feeling better."

Cassy already new more than likely Leo's answer would be no feeling to strange about it but she wanted to offer anyways. She would be going to sleep shortly herself, and no one was here to use the extra room so it wouldn't hurt anything.

"Or at least I can make you some tea."

Feeling Kip's to hers for a quick moment, it all happened so fast when he pulled away she was left standing there as some red came to her face. She didn't mind the kiss she only had not been expecting it at all let alone having it meld with the feelings for Kip she had and making her heart pick up a few beats.

Looking up at him finally Karla gives a blink before her mouth turns up into a smile her eyes giving a twinkle. Hearing his apology she wish he wouldn't, there was nothing to be sorry about but words just didn't seem to cut it.

Bringing her hand to his she wraps her fingers with his giving a gentil squeeze to stop him from leaving so fast. A shy glint flickered in her eye as she reached her hand to the side of his face running a finger along his cheek. Leaning into him she press her lips to his before dropping her hand and taking a few steps back. More red came to her cheeks as she looked up at him.

"Please don't be sorry."

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