
Pity parties

Leo sees Ryan out of the corner of his eye, and isn't sure if she's there for him or just to watch the rain too. Soon enough though, she breaks the silence.

Shifting his weight a little, he remains leaning against the door frame. It was strange to have her talk to him... they never talked anymore. There was always tension and Leo hated it, even though he pretended to ignore it.

"Yeah, I'm okay." He looks down at the ground and scuffs the toe of his boot on the edge of the concrete. He felt like he was lying.

"Maybe I'm just tired of feeling walked on... or maybe I'm tired of hating feeling walked on, I don't know." Sighing, he finally turns to lean his back against the frame and look Ryan square on. "I guess I don't even know who I am any more. Leonard Barnsworth, class clown, C student and klutz with a capital K. How far can someone like that go?" He shrugs. "Just feels like it isn't worth it anymore."

Giving a lame laugh, he shakes his head. "But you don't want to hear about that, do you? I think we got a handle on the whole 'ignore each other' thing pretty well, without me whining to you about my own pity parties."

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