

Being set up on her feel again Scarlet just looks at Eli for a long moment as he brings his fingers to her lips once again and than fall back letting his challange hang in the air.

Turning around quickly Scarlet throws some money onto the bar knowing if it was not enough Jimmy would tell her next time.

"Kiddo, your really going after him?"

"Like heck I am. Now I am determined to get my kiss."

"Just be safe the roads are wet."

"Yeah yeah I know Jimmy thanks."

Leaving the pub and seeing Eli start out of the parking lot Scarlet take the time to put her helmet on and start the bike as well. Giving it another rev she was backing our from her parking place and heading out onto the road.

Seeing Eli's tail lights up a head Scarlet puts on the gas a little more to come closer to him. Slowly gaining. Till she was right behind him.

Pulling over into the second lane she had to weave in and out of some cars but found herself along side Eli's bike. Giving a grin only her eyes could tell, and shaking her head slightly for now Scarlet had caught up.

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