
Nothing more

Leo swings Cassy a look with one eyebrow raised. "I could throw some crap around right about now. Maybe next time Steve swings by, he'll find his stuff on the curb." He wasn't sure why that situation bugged him, but it did. Any guy who didn't have the decency to clean out his own stuff from his ex's place deserved to have it thrown out.

"Can I help you?"

Leo's attention snaps back around to the counter that was now clear. "Uh, yeah."

Finishing up with the movie rental, it was back in the car and on their way to Cassy's. The aroma from the Wendy's bag filled the car, making Leo hungry. His stomach growls, reminding him that he hadn't eaten all day. "Maybe I just need a break," he thinks aloud, going right back to their conversation as if they'd never stopped. "Cut out dancing for a while... find something else to do." He didn't know what, but it was a thought.

Sighing, he turns down another street, knowing well how to get to Cassy's. "It's either that or do what you said and try to show 'em up, but I don't think I can. Back when you were at the studio, there were enough novices around that I did well, comparatively. Now though... we got some real talent there and I just don't cut it anymore." He shrugs lamely. "I don't have the money to get into it full-time or anything - it's not like it's my career and I like it that way. Otherwise it would just turn into too much work and I wouldn't enjoy it. But as a hobby... I think Baxtor has outgrown my skill level."

Leo didn't usually talk so much about this kind of thing... conversations were normally kept pretty surface between him and Cassy, unless they were talking about their exes. Pulling up to the apartments, he parks the car and just sits and thinks for a moment. There was a part of him that didn't want to be here in this position, and part of him that did. He just had to remember that they both agreed this was all about friendship and nothing more.

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