
Never listen

Eli chuckles and shakes his head. "Nah... not too much. The guys are just bored - they'll do anything to occupy themselves, even if it's razzing a guy about his personal life."

Accepting Scarlet's keys, his fingers curl around them for a moment before turning write out a tag, then hang them on a peg board with a bunch of other keys. Lunch. Did he want to? "I've been alright," he responds to her question. Cocking his head, he gives her an obvious once-over. "Looks like you're doing well yourself."

He leans over to rest his elbows on the counter, bringing himself closer to her. "I think I could get away with stopping for a bite to eat. Can't let a customer starve, now can I?" Tossing her a wink, he straightens up and heads back into the garage, reappearing only a minute later with his jacket and helmet. "Grab your helmet... I got an hour."

Leading the way out to his bike, he mounts up and starts the engine, waiting for Scarlet to get on behind him.

Leo was half asleep when he thinks he hears movement in his apartment. Surely it must be his imagination. He closes his eyes again and ignores it. If someone was stealing his stuff, he couldn't defend himself anyway.

Then hearing Cassy's voice though, his questions were answered. Lying on his side, he pries his eyes open to see her blurry form standing near the bed. "Cassy?" he mumbles. Hearing why she was there, Leo couldn't help the nice little warm feeling he got. Even if he would have told her not to come and he didn't need her to, he was feeling poorly enough that right about now, her sweet company would be nice. Even he had to admit that. Today was a day that he wouldn't mind some attention.

A little grin makes its way to his lips. "Never listen to a guy, do you?" he croaks. "I'm glad. Soup sounds fantastic."

Great idea. We'll eat, go for a walk, then stop by Mom and Pop's. I haven't seen him much lately either. Haven't needed him for any cases around here and I just haven't been eating down there either. Or... we could just eat at Mom and Pop's in the first place, and kill two birds with one stone.

"Boo." Jason pops around the corner to look down over Katie's cubicle wall, a smile on his face.

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