

Having an extra tug on his emotions, Jason winces a little, but lets Katie do it, knowing he hadn't been fair to her.

Yeah... yeah, I'm okay. Just Reese was in here, needed to talk to me...

He knew his emotions would betray him. He was upset and either he could shut down and Katie would know he was upset, or he could just let her feel it and she'd know he was upset. Either way, he couldn't hide it. His negative emotions slither out in between the others.

I don't want to talk about it right now. Maybe later.

Eli swivels back and forth in the office chair just behind the window where he could see the entrance and waiting room. Holding the phone to his ear, he waits for an answer while fiddling with a notepad in his free hand. Why was he calling anyway? That was a good question.

Finally hearing the voice he was trying to reach, he straightens up and leans his elbows on the messy desk. "Hey, Scarlet... it's Eli. There's been a delay with your bike but not a big one. Wondered if I could make it up to you.... lunch or something."

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