

Continuing to hold onto Eli while he drove Scarlet didn't mind where they were going as long as they went. She liked driving, but riding was just as nice not minding at all that for once she got to just hold on.

Finally coming to there destination Scarlet was only a little sad the ride had to end already. Still sitting behind Eli Scarlet takes her own helmet off letting her hair fall down still in the ponytail. Looking at the restraint for a long moment never had she eat here before, but it looked like an ok place.

Holding her helmet against her with one arm her other still rested on Eli's side as she cocked her head before tighting her arm in a half hug. Letting go Scarlet gets off the bike still grinning at Eli and giving a nod her eyes twinkling in the beams of sun light.

"I've never been here before, but who doesn't like Chinese. Better becareful some people say its a romantic type of food. I might think this is a date..unless another kiss is involved than we don't have to consider it a date."

Still grinning her eyes had soften just a little bit with a timid gleam in them. Stepping twords the building Scarlet stops and turns back to Eli waiting for him to follow along with her.

"So...is Chinese your favorite?"

Finally finding everything she needed Cassy wasted no time warming up the soup, putting some crackers on a plate, and making some tea for Leo. Cassy didnt mind hurting for everything she rather enjoyed it know and hoping this would make Leo feel even a little better. Even if he could take care of himself it was nice helping him.

Humming to herself Cassy quickly washed the few dishes she had dirtied before taking the try with the food and drink. Bringing it back in to Leo she moved a few things on the night stand to the side before setting the stuff down.

"Here you go, home made chicken noddle soup, and some chamomile tea for your throat."

Sitting down on the edge of the bed again after taking the wash cloth from his forehead so he could sit up and heat a little. Cassy gives a smile again before talking a little on the quiet side knowing his head was hurting.

"Sorry I kind of barged into your house. The front door was unlocked and I just wanted to make sure you were ok and all since ya hung up on me earlier."

Giving a wave to Carson as they enter Katie takes a look around the room seeing they really could pick where ever they wanted without a problem. It was almost a half hour before lunch when it would get really busy and for the most part Katie was happy for that. It just seemed a little more personal when they were able to just stand and talk a little.

"How could we stay away from this place? Its just fast book is more convenient, though I fear I put on a few pounds from it."

Looking back to Jason she ducks just a little wondering if she would get an elbow to the side or not. Rolling her own eyes at his comment about being free.

You better watch you buddy, one of these days your gonna be tied down too.

Pulling on Jason's emotions to make him laugh or at least smile it was easy to tell she was playing around with him. Not so long ago she had asked him every day to marry her, but not she'd learn that it would come with time and just having him here was what was important.

"Ha..I hardly tell him what to do, I only direct him on the right path."

Wrapping her arm around Jason's wast Katie pulls him a little closer in a playing manor. She liked interacting with there friends, even if it had been a while it was still nice to know somethings never changed.

"Mmm...something smells good. Whats the special today?"

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