

They were juts words... but maybe they sunk in a little deeper than Leo would admit. Cassy really did genuinely like him and that was something. Just friends or not, it did make something deep down feel good.

Opening his mouth to respond, Leo doesn't have a chance as the line moves and he's forced to pay and receive their food. He hands the bag over to Cassy and gets their drinks settled in the cup holders before getting back out onto the road. He takes the long route and wonders if she would even notice.

"Kinda hard when I really don't know what makes me happy anymore." Leo picks up right where they'd left off. "Everything just frustrates me at the moment."

Catching an unexpected red light, he slams on the breaks, the drinks teetering precariously out the edges of the cup holders. "Oh... forgot, we need to go pick up a movie." Turning on his blinker, he heads to the nearest movie rental place, leaving behind their conversation for now.

Letting the food stay in the car, he goes inside with Cassy, wandering the aisles, though letting her do the deciding. He'd meant it when he said she could pick - he'd watch anything she picked out, even if it wasn't his favorite genre. "Whatcha looking for tonight?" he asks, tilting his head to read the video spines. "Action? Drama? Romance? Comedy?" For now, the topic of movies was much more liked than the topic of himself.

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