
Trust me

Alec gives Hope a wry grin. "I don't swear on anybody's anything, babe. If that's a threat to put Ryan away if I decide to high-tail it, you can forget it. But if you think you can trust the word of an Agency scumbag, then let me come."

He looks Hope in the eye, not breaking his gaze. "If what you're saying about Scott is true, I can imagine his state. And if that's true, then he's gonna need a shock... and it ain't gonna be pretty." Alec dares her to blink first. "You want his brain to rot? Give him a sedative and stick him in the loony bin. You want him responsive? Let him see me. It'll be a mess, I guarantee, but he needs something to jar his brain and seeing friendly people won't cut it. Either that or..."

He shrugs. "I'm sure if you call up the Agency, they'd be glad to send in one of their men to do the job."

Alec quirks one eyebrow. "If you wanna play stubborn and make me swear, then you're on your own. Trust me, and I'll come."

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