

A loving smiles curls Reese's lips and he leans in close to kiss Angelica tenderly once more. Then he pulls her into a strong hug, letting her head rest against his chest. He was ready too.

"What do you say we go out for a late night cup of coffee? My treat?"

David sighs and swirls the ice around in his glass once more before downing the rest of the strong drink. Two was his limit. This had been three.

Swiveling in his seat at the hotel's bar, he looks to the corner where a couple sat, speaking quietly and smiling... making eyes at each other. They looked so happy. Not lonely. David sighs again. It was quiet in here tonight... it was getting late and he needed to head up to his room. He needed a clear head in the morning whether he wanted it or not.

Move on, stupid. Quit moping. You knew she didn't have feelings for you, so you shouldn't be so disappointed. Buck up. Get your butt moving, finish this case and get back to California where you belong.

He smirks at his little mind game. No one else would find out about this disappointment. Tomorrow, things went back to normal. Giving himself a nod, he stands up and tosses his money on the counter before heading to the elevator. Better that than the stairs. He felt just a little light-headed.

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