
Till the day I die...

Letting out another sigh as Scott pulls away Hope stands herself. A few tears ran down her cheek but she quickly whipped them away.

"I'll be back tomorrow, and if you choose to not see me again, than I wont make you. But ever day I will be here for you Scott and even if I am not in this room I will be here somewhere for a few hours."

Turning and heading twords the door Hope opens it stopping for a moment before she turned around to Scott again.

"I'm going to find a way to help you with your nightmares, and all the information locked in your head. I don't know how, but I'm not giving up till I do. I'll keep searching till the day I die to help you Scott."

Exiting the room before he could reply Hope lets the door fall shut. She'd be back tomorrow just like she had told Scott. Even if it was another trip to the library they had here maybe she could find a book that would help her somehow.

Listing to Alec's story Phinox jots down a few notes as he talks while other stuff is left in his own memorie. He'd remember when he went to type up his report, words were something he'd been trained well in taking in and remembering. Often when with the Agency there was no time to take notes while beating answers out of someone.

"Where did Ryan leave you off again? A parking lot but how far from here? After you escaped what way did you head to get to Ryan's east? West?"

Phinox thinks for a long moment contemplating a few things Alec said they didn't make seance to him about the Agency. It was very rare they used duck tap and not rope. And a car? Since when did the Agency us cars and not there vans, and a building so close it wasn't a base Phinox was familiar with. These things he would highlight in his report for Reese and let him in on them.

"How about after you escaped? Any land marks you can pin point that might be able to tell us where you were, or where this Agency group might be hiding out? Every little detail counts here Alec so I need you to remember every little thing u can."

Giving a little shriek of her own Libby jumps closer to Ty being startled by what just happened in the movie. Seeing the popcorn go everywhere it startles her again being so into the movie is was almost like it might happen as she she jumped away from Ty this time onto the other side of the couch.

Panting for air as her heart raced a she hears Ty laugh and for a moment she figured he was laughing at her. A grin forms on her face, the pillow being over Ty's head it was perfect opportunity, he wouldn't see her coming.

Moving slowly and quietly she gets closer to Ty till she jumps on top of him one leg on ether side pilling his own legs down. Bringing her hands to his sides she wiggles her fingers as she laughter starts.

"Now I am giving you something to laugh about when you scared the crap out of her you goober."

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