
This forever

Standing Dalton raises an eyebrow at Susanne's comment. Standing from his desk he says nothing at first but just continues to look at her. On might this he was upset but something in his eyes to those that new him would could see were iching to smile.

"To me, most everything is small so don't feel special."

Finally Dalton can't hold it in any longer and a smile pass across his face. His eyes twinkle with laughter as he really did think what Susanne said was funny. When it came to Dani or the people around work he new, Dalton didn't mind there teasing much knowing it was all in fun.

Heading twords the door Dalton gives a nod to Susanne he was ready. Going to see Scott was really the highlight of his day, he missed seeing his friend very much and it just seemed boring at work now without him.

"We can take my car. I just put a fresh tank of gas in her."

Feeling a warmth next to him Dan didn't want to open his eyes. He remembered it was Jade, and they had been snuggled so cute on the couch while watching the movie. Now though if he opened his eyes He'd have to get up.

"Tell me I don't have to wake up and I can stay like this forever."

Slowly though a smile forms on his lips knowing Jade was already awake. Shifting a little so Dan was now on his side he keeps his arm around Jade. Bringing his other hand to her face he brushes the hair out of her eyes. Opening his own slowly he looks back into her gaze.

"Opening my eyes and working a little to see you beautiful face is defiantly worth it."

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