

Gunner listens quietly, his eyes not moving from Bree as she explains how she was. He could tell that she was hurting and it wasn't a surprise. But she was surviving... and at this point, that's what mattered.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. "It wasn't supposed to happen this way. But at least you're safe. And me... I'll get out of here." He makes himself smile for her sake. "They can't hold a vampire for too long."

Reaching down, he picks up the rootbeer float and takes a sip, leaning back and sighing with content. "Mmm....now that's good stuff. You... a float... what more could a guy ask for huh?"

Managing another smile, he gives her hand a squeeze. "Hang in there.... for me, okay? It won't last forever. And when it's over..." He gives a lame laugh. "Okay, so we won't laugh over it, but we can at least say we survived and we beat them."

The next half hour, Gunner encourages smalltalk and tries to make it lighthearted, despite where they were. He was glad to see Bree and knew she was glad to see him. That was enough for now, even though they both wanted more. Some minutes passed in silence, but Gunner never let go of Bree's hand, not wanting to let go... not wanting to lose her again.

But soon, JT was gesturing that their time was up and they needed to part. Gunner looks to Bree, still sitting next to her and cocks his head. "Well... you gonna stargaze tonight?"

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