

Once Scott is left alone, the tears start again, knowing that no one was near to hear him. He couldn't believe this was happening. He knew he hadn't been feeling well, but he hadn't thought anyone would do something like this to him. They said they cared... they said they loved him... but he felt like he was being abandoned. He'd been uprooted and forced into strange surroundings where he knew no one and was without the safety of his own home. He didn't know if he felt more rejected or angry. Both were prevalent. Burying his head into his pillow, he closes his eyes tight, hoping that somehow this was just some horrible nightmare and he would wake up back in his own room at home again.

Reese is waiting for Hope, and once they sit down with Dr. Hawks, it takes a while to get all the paperwork done and all the information shared. In the end, they are assured that Scott will be well taken care of and that both of them would be notified immediately if anything happened.

The ride back to TJY was long and silent. All the while, Reese was trying to convince himself that what he'd done was right... that he and Hope had been right. God forgive him if he'd been wrong.

He knew Hope needed her own time, so he respects silence, just letting the radio fill in the gaps.

Two hours passes by slowly, but eventually they were at TJY once more. It was early evening by now and a few people were already gone for the day but most were still there. Reese parks and gets out, waiting to walk inside with Hope. Getting to the door though, he pauses and turns to her. She was young enough to be his daughter and he cared about her like he did all of his agents. And he knew that right now, she was hurting even worse than he did.

Though very much out of character, Reese reaches out and gives her a gentle hug. "If you need anybody to talk to... my office is always open, okay?"

"I don't know." Alec lifts the beer to his lips even though it hurt a little, and took a nice long sip. He felt like he could use something even stronger, but it was probably best he didn't or else he'd just wind up in more trouble at this point.

Sighing, he looks down a few minutes before glancing back up to Ryan. "I'm screwed no matter what, aren't I?"

He flinches as he twists in his chair a little too quickly. "I guess I might as well rot at TJY than a dingy Agency basement." He lifts his beer can in a toast. "Here's to my life gone down the tubes."

Taking another swallow, he nods. "Alright. You win. But please... drive slowly for once."

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