

Drawn in so closely by Ryan's legs, Alec puts a hand up on the cupboards behind her to steady himself as his other continues to rub her back or creep up to her neck and shoulders.

"Top shelf..."

He kisses her neck again, then her lips.

"...got it."

Prying himself away, he only has to take one step to the side to open the refrigerator door, leaving Ryan where she was. Spotting the cake, his eyes find the can of whipped cream as well. Retrieving both, he sets them on the counter beside Ryan, going for the whipped cream first. "Mama always taught me to share." Giving it a shake, he sprays a good amount into his mouth, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Returning to Ryan, he grins a little, his mouth still full as he returns for a kiss, sharing the whipped cream with her.

Scott's hand relaxes under Hope's touch, but his eyes remain on the table. "I....I don't feel much like going out in public tonight," he responds quietly.

Her words made him feel bad. He hadn't meant to push her away... he hadn't meant to worry her or upset her. He'd just needed his own space, that's all.

"You can come watch a movie with me at my house though," he offers. "Be more comfortable anyway. And I guess that way you can keep an eye on me like you want to."

He hadn't meant for his last words to be chilled, but once they were out, the iciness was obvious enough that he even cringes a little. Sliding his other hand across the table to cup her fingers between his palms, he rubs his thumbs over her knuckles. "I didn't mean that how it sounded," he backtracks softly.

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