
Plastic Cup

Ryan can't help but laugh as Leo insinuates she need to do lunch to make up for today. He was a good guy, he was a silly guy and it was easy to grow attached to him. And yes she was having doubts what was wrong with her?

"Oh...I...I am a little stressed. Just having a hard time with a few things. I'll be ok though. Lunch tomorrow sounds great. I'll even let you pick where we eat ok?"

Hanging up the phone after saying goodbye to Leo Ryan lets out a sigh leaning her head back on the couch once again. Now it would start the long process of thinking what she was going to do. She didn't even know where to start though.

Katie can't help but get even more gitty as Jade explained everything to her that happened, and how Dan proposed.

"Oh wow, that was so sweet....I can't imagine I would probably be so shocked I'd fall over right there."

Continuing to look at Jade's hand Katie was in aw at how pretty the ring looked on her finger.

Giving a nod and the smile still being pasted on his face Dan can't help but shake his head a little.

"Thank you. And yes I know I am going to love it. One thing I am not sure about if Getting mixed up with your family...I might die from laughing to much. But than again at least I would go happy."

Hearing Clint's next comment about Katie and Jason Dan's eyes widen just a little as his lips turn into a smile.

"You mean...you havnt asked this pretty little thing yet? Whats wrong with you man?"

Dan ducks as a empty plastic cup goes flying at his head. Looking over at Katie he new it was her the smile one her face giving it away.

"Ok, I see why you haven't...she could kill someone.."

Katie can't help the laugh the escapes her lips.

"You better watch it buddy or next time I wont miss."

Looking back to Jade Katie smiles at her.

"Your going to have to train him better now."

Turning her head to look at Clint a little better she laughs.

"Whats wrong ants in your pants?"

Leaning into Ryder a little more Thirteen lets her head rest on his chest as she just watches the other. Observing, taking everything in.

"They sure are. It's fun watching them though. You didn't happen to bring the camera did you?"

Some of the best pictures that could be taken were when people didn't know they were under the lens.

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