
Little Extra

Smiling a little seeing the body response from Mick on her rubbing his back Rosetta liked knowing she was happy Mick feel better and he still liked when she have him back rubs.

Continuing Rosetta giggles a little as he told her to be gentile on the one spot. Being called cowgirl made her think of a past long gone. She'd never change her life for anything but sometimes she still did miss when things just seemed a little more simple.

Leaning down Rosetta brings her lips to the sore spot on Mick's back giving it a gentile kiss before making a tiny trail up his spin of kisses. Drawing away and continuing to run again Rosetta just sits smiling.

"We have to trust God will let things work out with Dylan. He's the only one who knows whats going on and why, when the time is right he will show us what to do and whoever Dylan does go to, to talk with God will give them the strength on what to say. We just have to keep strong and be there for when Dylan does need us."

Giving a little laugh at Leo's comment Cassy has her own bit of red coming to her cheeks. Seeing Leo himself blush a little bit she felt even worse now that he felt so embarrassed for what he said. Her own eyes sparking a little as she thinks of a way to help Leo not feel to embarrassed.

"Psht, I finally realize why my knee hurts a little extra today, I've been chasing after you all day."

Now it was Cassy's turn to turn a red even more. She was trying to make Leo feel better and was now embarrassing herself with her horrible comments.

"Ok, that was really corny but...its all I could think of on short notice."

Finally looking away Cassy laughs again before looking back to Leo, her cheek a bright crimson color now. Finally reaching out and taking the plates from Leo her hand brush his for a moment just resting against it for a lingering moment.

"Thank you Leo..."

Her statement linger for a moment in the air, maybe an implament of a deeper meaning to the thanks.

"...for rescuing this damsel in distress."

Alice's smile grows even more as Kyle steps into the room. Shutting the door behind him she stands there for a long moment before nodding twords the bed so they could sit comfortably.

"I was way to excited and nervous myself to sleep so you weren't bothering me at all. Though even if I was sleeping you wouldn't be bothering me. Your presence is always welcome no matter what I am doing."

Waiting for Kyle to join her on the bed Alice props the pillows up and stretches her arm over his back and shoulders. Pulling him close to her she gives him the comfort she know he needed.

"You guys are going to great tomorrow I know you are. This has what you guys have been waiting for, for a long time and now that its here you guys are ready and I am so proud of you. And no matter what happens that will never change you always make me happy, not because your a big star or you have a band because you Kyle Mitts and you enjoy being you."

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