

Giving a laugh and a big smile that Leo would come back and help Cassy was excited. Shifting a little she pulls some paper from her pocket and a pen. Turning to lay next to Leo on her stomach Cassy jots down her number, before handing it to him.

"Not sure what your hours look like so when you have time, give me a call and we can work something out. Maybe we can order Chinese or subs that day."

Still laying on her stomach Cassy looks at the dirty floor for a moment before looking back to Leo for a long moment. She hadn't said anything all night, and now she did want to.

"I just wanted you to know I think Miss whats her name is stupid. She lost a real winner. I'm kind of happy thought. If she hadn't I wouldn't have seen you in that bar, and you wouldn't be here now. I'd say I sure did luck out."

Just continuing to hold Scott for a long time Hope rocks him gently. Her hand on his head holding it to her she ran her fingers through his hair.

"I know, I know...shhhh...its ok. Come on, lets get up somewhere more comfortable."

Gently prompting Scott up Hope guilds him slowly around everything her arms still tightly around him letting him know she was there and it was ok.

Finally making it to his bedroom Hope takes him over to the bed gently having him lay down. Shifting just a little bit Hope crawls behind Scott and puts her arm over him still holding him tightly.

"Your safe now Scott, your at home. Domino and I are with you and we wont let anything happen."

Finally making it clear of all the people Ryan puts the gas to it, the car already being warmed up from her race it took off like lighting down the dessert sand. Once again on the road it purred like a kitten.

Hearing Alec's comment a small grin formed on her face. In a way this had been her fault, she'd invited him to come and see her.

"Nah, I'm just trying to keep you from getting in to much trouble with the big cahona back there. You said you wanted to ride with me too, I'm not racing but we are going fast."

Continuing to drive Ryan doesn't slow down till they get a little ways into town. Going slow enough to not be charged with speeding but still going a little over the limit. Quiet for a long moment Ryan finally turned to glance at Alec again.

"What about you? Are you trying to make it so they never let you out to see me again? How come you came Alec without Reese saying it was ok? Did you really want to see me that bad?"

Hearing Dani's soft murmer that she was enjoying herself made Dalton feel good. This is the first time he'd been so intimate with her, let alone anyone so it was good to know he was doing it the right way.

Feeling Dani's hands go under his shirt and onto his skin, he gives a small shutter as a growl of his own forms in his throat showing he approved. He liked the way her soft light touch felt on his own warm skin. Pulling her a little closer with his other arm he deeps the kiss.

Pulling away Dalton turns his head the other way coming back for another kiss. Gently shifting this time on the couch he moves so Dani was now on the couch and he leaned into her gently putting her back down again the cushions and he was leaning over her.

Not going back in right away for another kiss his eyes search hers for a moment asking for permission that this was ok. He didn't want to cross any lines or scare her. Giving the tip of her nose a kiss he braces himself one arm on each side of her holding himself up so most of he weight wasn't on top of her. His eyes never leaving her, moving his one hand to run down the side of her face and than back up again as he brushed a stand of hair from her eyes.

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