
I could kiss you

Giving a smile Dan payed no comment to Dylan's complaining though he did listen to him to hear what he was saying. Dylan would have to find his own nitch in doing things to make it easyer on him but at least no he had a guideline to follow to help.

"We are all misfits in one way or another. I think your dad still hates me."

Dan takes off his own gloves pulling the bandanna from his pocket and wiping his face with it. It was on the warmer side today but it felt good after the cold spell.

Hearing Dylan's comment about the straw and hay Dan smiles again giving a small wave to follow him as he walks to where two differnt stack of straw and hay were. Taking a peace hay Dan hands it to Dylan.

"This here is hay. Its green in color so its easy to tell apart from the straw. Horses eat the hay, its used as feed, and can consist of clovers or alfalfa..."

Moving back a few steps Dan picks up some straw and hands it to Dylan as well.

"Straw is thicker, tougher and a golden color. This is used for there bedding not to eat. So an easy way to remember is...Green means its good to eat and golden brown is bad to eat but good to sleep."

"David you are amazing, and right on time too, I could kiss you for your perfect timing. I just finished composing all this evidence we can use in the case."

Angelica look over her computer screen at David Angelica gives a wide smile. It did feel good working with him again. She'd never say anything, or want to change it but it got a little lonely not having a partner to work with like old times.

Feeling a little color come to her cheeks at Davids comment her eyes sparkled a little as she continued to look at David giving a little nod.

"Good byes always do suck, I really have enjoyed working on this case with you. We are going to have to have a celebration dinner before you go back home. Maybe find a nice place were we can dress up and just have a nice meal and some drinks like in the old days."

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