

Twirling her fork in noodles on her plate Ryan new she had been quiet. The tired look in her eyes, and the heavy bags under them could tell anyone that maybe lack of sleep was her reason for being quiet. Ryan hadn't found much of it last night just like she new she wouldn't. Her mind had to many things running though it and now...now she still didn't even know her answer.

Hearing Leo's words Ryan looks up from her plate. Giving only a half smile Ryan nods a little. What was she going to do? What was she going to say?

"I am pretty tired. Didn't get much sleep last night. I've had a lot on my mind the last few days."

Seting her fork down on the plate Ryan takes her glass of pop and takes a sip. Falling silent again for a moment. She had to do this, she had to say something.

"I've been thinking a lot the last few weeks. About the past and whats to come. I've been doubting myself a lot to and...I don't want to hurt you Leo. I care about you to much, and I have grown attached to you. Your my best friend...and I just I don't want to lose that. Our relationship I just...I don't think my heart is all there right now and thats not fair to you. If I continue on this way I might lose everything you mean to me, even our friendship."

Taking in a deep breath and looking up at Leo again Ryan's eyes were sad, filled with so much conflict. The emotions ragged deep inside of her, crashing on ever side, and the light at the end was covered up.

"You deserve better, and I don't want to lose you completely as a friend. My visits with Alec they...turned out as nothing more than wanting to help someone..but the more time I spend getting to know him. The more..I had these unwanted feelings growing. I can't stop them, I can't understand them, and I don't know what to do. All I know is you deserve better than me, than...this. I'm so sorry Leo."

Katie can't help but laugh and she new Jason was embarrassed, he at least had let a little slip through while shutting it off. Tugging at the closed door, she gives him a smile.

It's ok J. I understand now, and I'm not in a hurry anymore. It will happen when it happens. I can deal with that now.

Looking back to Clint Katie slowly shakes her head as she lets out a snicker.

"Did you ever think Clint maybe you get beat up because you deserve it?"

Katie cant help but laugh again looking to Jade once more her eyes sparkling before around the room.

Finally drawing even closer to the table Dan pulls out the one empty chair and sits down. Felling a bit more relaxed than when the first go back. Looking to Clint and removing his own hat Dan eyes show a lint of humor, as his more silly side kicks in.

"You know Clint, be lucky it was Jason and not that wild cat of yours. Its been told through story's...she might of wracked you harder...or worse made you sleep on the couch."

Laying with her back aganst Ryder's chest some would think she had to be dreadfuly uncomfortable her bottom half in her chair and her top half on Ryder. But Thirteen was comfortable. She slept in worse positions than this before.

Helping Ryder position the camera and point it in different place Thirteen cant help the laughs the escaped her lips as she took different pictures of the group of them not even knowing. There most vulnerable moments locked in time forever, memories, to always look back and never forget. Thirteen never wanted to forget again.

Hearing the phone Angel has it in a few moments answer. And than as quick as she answered she was off again with the blankets on the bed thrown back. Looking over to Luke was was laying next to her she leans back and gives him a gentile kiss on the head.

"Eric's not doing well I have to go check on him. I'll be back."

Grabbing one of her sweatshirts and throwing it on Angel also grabs her medical bag before leaving the house bunk and heading over to Eric's in almost a sprint. Letting herself in and turning the lights on Angel is over to Eric's side.

Checking his vittles first and noting he had a fever she gold a cold pack from her bag. Placing it on her his she talks as she works making sure he stayed with her.

"Have you been taking it easy liked I asked? Nothing rough or over the edge?"

Moving her way down to his leg gently Angel rolls up his pant leg. Seeing the small bandage and the blood that was seeping through it Angel looks up at Eric again and shakes her head.

"I am going to take this as a no. Eric what happened?"

Reaching into her bag and pulling out some gloves Angel puts them on before going to removes the bandage. Not being able to cringe as she looked at it was apparent there was a pretty bad infection, and it was spreading.

"Oh Eric..you should have told me."

Going back to her bag and taking out some small viles of antibiotic and some pain killed getting the needles ready.

"I am going to give u something for the infection to at least stopping it from spreading and something as well for the pain. An IV drop to keep you nourished, and than clean and dress the wound with something to help kill the infection."

Grabbing Eric's phone Angel dials number waiting for Jim's number. He'd helped her a few times before and new what she needed if she asked.

"Jim, its Angel sorry to call you so later but I need you to do a favor for me. I need you to go to my office and get some stuff to set up an IV along with a few other things to fight a saver infection. I'm at Eric's bunk...please hurry."

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