
Hidden Emotions

Hope lets out a small sigh. She felt so bad for Scott, and at the same time she felt so bad for herself. She loved Scott, and she new she was his strong ground but how could she be when he wouldn't let her and it hurt.

"I've been...pretty crappy really. Your pulling away from me Scott and I don't know what to do because I feel like I have failed you."

Playing with the corner of the menu for a moment Hope falls quiet. Finally looking up at Scott again she gives a small smile reaching across the table to take his hand in her own.

"I want to help you and be there for you, but I can't if you wont let me. Other than that I'm....ok. Works going, and sitting at home watching tv is ok though most nights there is nothing on. I miss you, I miss us Scott."

Ryan's grin grows just a little at Alec's comment. Her emotions of drear staying hidden for now.

Going to reply Ryan stops looking at Axel and they go back and forth. Cocking her head just a little wonder how well Alec would respond. She was actually impressed on how calm Alec stayed with Axel.

Giving a small chuckle at Alec's comment about his integrity Ryan gives a little nod of his head.

"He's a gentlemen when he wants to be honest. And actually Reese gave him an hour and a half but thats a story for another time."

As Alec puts his arm over Ryan's shoulder is surprised her a little but what surprised her even more was when her own arm wrapped around his wast in return. The grin still on her face, looking to Alex she nods.

"I guess I am taking lunch now if anyone asks. I'll be back in an hour."

Turning back to Alec she gives a little laugh again it was nice that he surprised her and showed up at her work. No one had ever done that before.

"So where should we go for lunch? I can drop you off at TJY after."

Giving a big smile Cassy takes Leo's arm in her hand and gives a squeeze in a friendly matter that showed she was excited and she really was to have his help. Not to mention it had been nice catching up with him the other day and she would like to talk more often.

"Ok than, I will see you at six give or take."

Taking her keys out of her purse Cassy starts for the door before stopping. Giving Leo a little wave and one last smile.

"Enjoy the rest of your day and remember chin up. I'll see you later."

Exiting the shop the rest of the way Cassy goes to her car and before you know it she was out of sight once again.

Feeling Sparky's fingers lock with her own the smile grows just a little on her lips knowing this wasn't a dream and she really was awake.

"Scared the tar out of you huh? Well now your going to have to deal with me being bald for a while."

Faith gives a small laugh as her eyes twinkle looking at Sparky. She was a live, and she was going to be able to spend more time with Sparky now. She would continue to pray the tumor didn't come back, but for now she got to live longer, and it was an amazing feeling.

"How long was I out? Did you stay with me the whole time Hun?"

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