

"Mmm." Alec accepts Ryan's kiss, just holding her for several moments before straightening her up and letting her stand in front of him again, continuing the exchange.

Drawing away, a grin surfaces. "Science is a lot more fun than it was in high school."

Giving a sigh, he knows Ryan can't stay all day, and Reese was going to want him back soon. "So since we've confirmed you're addicted... how often do you need a fix?"

Jim checks on Eric again, stifling a yawn. It had been a long night, but there had been no mishaps, so all was stable at least. Eric had slept most of the night, though had appeared to be uncomfortable even though he didn't complain.

This morning there wasn't a whole lot of change, but Jim thought maybe some of the swelling around the injury had gone down. For now Eric was sleeping again, so Jim thought it safe to slip out for a few minutes. Slipping from the bunk, he walks to Angel's office, knowing she'd probably be up by now, though not much of the ranch was stirring yet.

Getting inside, he finds her, yawning again. "He seems okay," he informs. "Still has a fever though - can't get that to go down but he seemed stable all night. I think he's in quite a bit of pain though he's not saying so. Don't blame him too much... yesterday all he was doing was opening a gate for someone and a horse got loose."

He gives Angel a wry grin. "'Course we both know he shouldn't have even been out there at all, but I know he feels stupid."

"Who's sick?"

"Eric." Jeff nods at Ryder around one of the dining hall tables. "Sound like he got a bad infection... Angel's doing what she can, with Jim's help."

Ryder purses his lips, sorry to hear that. Eric had seemed like a really nice guy and Ryder had hoped Thirteen might be able to get to know her uncle a little more before leaving. Turning to look at Thirteen, he smiles. "I smell breakfast cooking. Hungry this morning?"

"I told Annie I'm coming with you two to the hospital." Sparky leans on the doorway of Faith's bunkhouse door. Though he was trying to smile, anyone could see how worried he was for this woman in front of him. Yesterday had been so peaceful. They'd ridden double halfway up into the foothills, had a picnic, laughed, talked and had curled up on the couch for a movie to end the most perfect day. And today a dark cloud hung over the atmosphere. They had to go to the hospital this morning and there would be no news until that night when it was all over. Sparky wasn't sure how he was going to make it through waiting without going crazy.

"How ya doing with... everything?"

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