

Alec's words hitting her once more send the wave of flutters and emotions through her. A grin forms on her lips as the flame and fire flickers in her eyes a little brighter.

Feeling his finger run along her face, they were gentile this time. Much differnt from the last few, but still inviting that send a chill along her spin. As Alec pulls her closer to him Ryan looks into his eyes for a long moment till finally her own fall shut. Feeling his lips on her own, send the electric shock through her as she return the kiss.

Pulling away a little Ryan's lips curl in a grin. It was sweet of Alec to let her have on last memoir of himself.

"Thank you, its a good memorie to have. I couldn't think of a better one."

Giving another smile Ryan looks down taking Alec's hand in her own giving it a gentile squeeze for a moment before letting it go. Leaning in Ryan gives him another kiss on the lips not letting it linger to long or she new they would never make it inside.

"I don't think I could ever forget you."

Turning where Ty told her to Libby gives a smile and a side long glance to him. He was so sweet, and Libby was thankful for that. Having a friend who didn't think any differently of her for this, who wouldnt shy away at trouble it was nice knowing he was there.

"Your house for a little bit sounds like a plan to me. Just lead the way, and I shall follow."

Libby gives a laugh as a smile comes to her face again. Going to Ty's would be nice, it would get her mind off everything and than when he left for work she could go home, and she could only hope thinks would be calmed down by than.

"Thank you by the way Ty."

Hearing what Ryder had said Thirteen sits up from her leaning position just looking at Ryder for a long moment. Searching his eyes she looked for the truth in them. Finding it, find what she was looking for a smile spreads on Thirteens. Bigger than it had been in a long while. She new what Ryder said was true.

Bringing her hand to the side of his face Thirteen runs her finder along his cheek bone, and along his jaw. Mapping over his face, memorizing this moment in time, because she never wanted to forget it.

"Thank you!"

He'd made her feel so good, her eyes seemed to beam through the darkness. If asked Thirteen wouldn't have choose anyone else to have said it first. And though she never felt love before, not that she could remember but the the of her father..this felt different.

With Ryder it was the emotions that drover her on. This warm feeling she had when he looked at her and touched her. Thirteen new..this was love, the undescribable feeling.

"Ryder...I...I love you too."

Bringing her face close to his Thirteen's arms wrap around his neck just draping over his shoulders as she brings her face close to his. Looking into his never ending eyes that bore his soul Thirteen's eyes slipped closed. Her heart pounding in her chest, as her lips met Ryder's for what felt like...the first time again.

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