
Don't Mind

Ryan gives a a chuckle at Alec's comment about getting beat up. She found it a bit humorous in its own way.

"I do pack a mean punch if I do say so myself."

Turning her head to look at Leo again Ryan shakes it a little at his comment about finishing the way himself.

"If you really wanna walk who am I to stop you. But I am more than happy to drive you the rest of the way. Technically I did nothing wrong but drive you back to where you had to be. So I really don't mind."

Giving a smile to Leo, she'd seem him tomorrow and it would be a nice time in deed like tonight.

"Good Night Leo."

Ambling to the door Cassy gives a wave before turning and letting the door fall shut. Heading back in to clean and than head him herself to get some good sleep in.

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