

Looking back at Reese Hope new he wasn't happy, and she new that the moment she let Alec come with her. But it was worth a try, and she would try everything she could right now.

Waiting for Reese and Alec to go back and forth Hope stays quiet not wanting to interrupt or try and talk with getting cut off. So just standing there and listing to Reese Hope's eyes never move from him. Finally though as he brings his question back to her she gives a small nod.

"Alec went over everything in the car with me Reese and what he said sounds pretty sound. This is out only option right now to try and keep Scott here, because I know he doesn't belong some where else. With my medical study it makes seance what Alec wants to do."

Letting out a long sigh Hope looks to Alec and than back to Reese. Her eyes pleaded with him. She was at a lose with this whole thing and was doing her best to do what she could for Scott.

"I believe Alec with this. He is an Ex Agency agent, he knows about this stuff more than we do, and I believe him he is not going to hurt Scott. This is our only option left Reese...please?"

Looking at the pictures on the wall again as she waited for Eli the woman eyes careful took in all the detailed work and images that had been put on many of the cars and bikes. The work was beyond beautiful. So much time, and effort went into make them looks perfect and she liked that.

Hearing the male voice behind her the woman turns around to look Eli in the eye. A grin forms on her lips as she is quiet for a moment seeming to gaze into his eyes. Not breaking her stair her from him she takes his hand in her own giving it a shake.

"Nice to meet you Eli I'm Scarlet Carver."

Letting the silence fall again Scarlet lets her hand slide slowly from Eli's still looking deep into his eyes. He looked even better up close and in person than Scarlet though. His eye just seem so bright, his face so rough but soft at the same time, and his body...don't get her started on that. trying to snap herself out of the trance she seemed to have been in Scarlet shifts her weight a little bit before talking again.

"I've seen your work and heard a lot about you work and was hoping maybe could get you to do some detail on my bike in liquid crystal temperature paint. They arnt anything extravagant, but they are a decent size. If you need to see the pictures I have them with me. It would just be one on each side."

Holding out two slips of paper for Eli to look at Scarlet new it wasn't much detail in them but also she new if Eli wanted to put his own flair on them to he could and she wouldn't mind as long as the general idea was there.

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