
Can't read?

Scott is still for a moment as Hope hugs him. Maybe someday he'd be lucky enough to understand how she could love him that much and still put him in a place like this.

Slowly, his own arms wrap around her, hugging her back and bringing her close to him. Resting his head on top of hers for a moment, he slips down to her cheek to give it a soft kiss. Then drawing back slightly, he pulls her away just far enough that he can lean in to press his lips to hers. He doesn't make it a quick kiss though... he takes his time. Deepening the motion, his hands rub Hope's back while the other palm moves up to cradle her face then slide around to the back of her head where his fingers could run through her hair. Pressing her against him, he tilts his head the other way, murmuring into her lips and encouraging the kiss to continue. He knew she missed times like these when they would spend evenings alone.

After several long moments of passion, Scott gradually retreats, quietly catching his breath as his fingers still comb Hope's hair, his other hand still slowly rubbing her back. Looking down into her eyes, he searches them with desperation. His voice is but a whisper. "I love you too... please... please take me home," he begs. He was ashamed of his tactic, but if it worked, he would be rid of this horrid place.

Glancing down at Libby for a moment as he asks for help with the menu, Ty is at the right angle to receive the quick kiss to his lips. Even though he had wondered if last night had been more than a one-time impulse, he hadn't thought she'd kiss him again this soon, let alone in public.

Blinking and just staring at her, he hardly even hears her reading the menu so when she stops with a giggle, he doesn't even know how to respond. "Uh..." He blinks again. "Did you just say cow brains?"

He shakes his head, suddenly realizing what an idiot he sounds like as his face grows red. He can't help a laugh though, giving Libby an extra squeeze with his arm. Looking over to the kid behind the counter, he points at the menu. "Ah... sweet and sour... chicken." He glances to Libby again. "You did say that was one of those things... up there... right?" He laughs again, feeling even more stupid.

The kid looks at them dryly with no humor. "Can't read?"

Ty quirks an eyebrow and looks back at him. "Nope. Can't respect your customers?"

The kid smirks a little, getting the point. "Just order."

Ty rolls his eyes. "I just did. Libby, what do you want?"

"Hey there." Leo smiles at Cassy, cocking his head a little. He was glad to see her practicing dance moves, showing that she hadn't given up on herself.

"Tools... yes." He takes the box, sifting through what she had. "Looks good. You can change, I'll head to the toilet."

Saluting with a wrench, he spins around and heads to the bathroom, shedding his jacket on his way. Once there, he finds the stubborn toilet and sets to work. Ten minutes later, he's lying on his back, wedged between the toilet and the wall, clinking around the pipes and trying to get some of them apart, sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Alec sits back and doesn't say much while Ryan is gone, now in sour spirits, hearing he couldn't leave. Was he to be a prisoner the rest of his life? When would they tire of him and let him go?

Joined up again with Ryan, there's a mischievous glint in his eye as she throws her comments around in front of Rick. Grabbing a chicken nugget, he nibbles on it and shrugs. "I guess I'm healing. They wont' give me as many pain meds anymore." He throws Misty a sidelong glance. "She's treating me alright though. Now I see why Carson stuck around."

Looking back at Ryan, he gives her a wink and moves over on the bed, patting the mattress for her to join him. Once they're both settled, there's barely enough room, but he doesn't care. The food is on Ryan's lap, his on arm is back around her shoulders, and one leg is hooked over hers. Munching on a french fry, he pauses to give her a kiss, then takes a sip of pop, and returns for another kiss. He enjoyed it, no doubt, but there was a bonus, knowing that they were driving Rick batty. Pretty soon, he was liable to kick one of them out.

Carson pauses his work, seeing that Thirteen really did want to talk to him. Turning around, he leans back against the counter and listens, cocking his head a little. She wanted to be back here in the kitchen? That was interesting.

Thinking a moment, he shifts his weight, considering the options. "Well... some days it gets a little busy back here, I'll admit. I do like you working tables though. The customers like you and you do a good job. You and Dani and Aerith make a good team."

He studies Thirteen's face for a moment. She's said she wanted to be back here doing something she liked. "You don't like working the tables, ay?"

Kip rolls his eyes, pretending he was going to whack Karla over the head for implying they might mind having her along. He smiles though, shaking his head.

"What? You think we're gonna drop you once we get some gigs going? Who do you think we are?"

He moves to sling an arm around Karla's shoulders. "Sorry, but I think you're stuck with us. That is... if you want to be. Now if you'd rather be left in the dust, you just say so, but I guarantee it'll be more fun running around with this bunch."

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