

Continuing to sit on the bed as Dalton holds the can of pop he just looks at it for a long moment before flipping his own open taking a sip. It was good to be sitting here with Scott again, he sure had missed it.

Turning his head a little to look at Scott Dalton gives a quick look of sympathy. He did feel bad for his little friend and wish there was something more to he could do.

"I was in the hospital once after the accident. I didn't like it much myself, though I didn't have anyone come to see me. I could never choose what was worse though being alone, or wishing I had friends to come and see me, than end up hating them seeing me like that."

Taking another sip of his pop Dalton is silent for a few moments. Just thinking about what he would say, and taking everything in. Looking around the room is wasn't shabby. It seemed much nicer than the hospital room's he had stayed in before that was for sure. Looking back to Scott Dalton gives a small smirk.

"It doesn't look to shabby here. I know home would be better but this could be worse to right? They treat you ok?"

Not wanting to break the kiss Dan couldn't help it as a small chuckle came from his lips as he hears Mick again. Dan couldn't help finding the humor in the whole thing.

Leaning into give Jade another kiss Dan retreats and swings around on the couch to stand up. Looking down at Jade the sorry shows in his eyes they he didn't want to go but he had to.

"I guess I should get more chores done. Maybe after we can get lost in the bushes."

Giving Jade a wink and one more kiss Dan takes his hat from the table and slaps it on his head, slipping on his shoes before he was out the door.

Feeling Mick's warm hand in her own and hearing his voice Rosetta opens her eyes slowly. There was a crick in her neck and for a moment she had a hard time remembering why or where she was.

Lifting her head to look around the room and realizing she was in Angel's office everything came back to Rosetta. Turning her head to look down on BJ's sleeping form she lets out a sigh before looking back to Mick and giving a smile.

"I'm ok. I just wanted to stay here in case BJ wakes up and is scared. I'll be ok and if anything new develops I'll let you know."

Giving another smile to Mick Rosetta reassures him she will be ok. Once Angel was awake a little later Rosetta would head back to the house to clean and get some work done. Just as long as someone was here with BJ.

Sitting on the hard bench close to the front with her Uncle Bree perks up a little when she see them lead Gunner into the court room. She hadn't seen him since the day she went to the jail cell and now even if he was so far away it was good to see him again.

Her eyes following Gunner as he sits Bree only looks away once to look at her uncle than turning back to Gunner and seeing him look at her. Feeling a smile form inside Bree lifts her hand to give a wave and mouth Hi. Oh how he made her heart thump in her own chest. Bree hopped so hard that today everything would be ok, and she could hold Gunner again.

Sitting down next to David Angelica gave a smile. The morning talking with Gunner had went well and everything seemed in order with what would go down. They had it lied out like a book and the victory was so close they could tast it.

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