
Be ok

Hearing Dan over the walkie Rosetta grip tightens a little around Mick. Something was wrong enough with BJ that Dan needed them to come, and it sent a sicking feeling through Rosetta's stomach. Not caring for one that Mick was going faster than normal on the four wheeler Rosetta wanted to get to BJ as fast as she could. Her little boy was hurt, and she had to at least see he was alive or she would lose it right there.

Once seeing Dan, and he blanket with BJ's lifeless body under it Rosetta gives a gasp the air being sucked from her lungs. Not even sure how she found the strangth to go to her son's side Rosetta was there in a flash. Taking his tiny hand in her own Rosetta lets Mick check him over and very little words are said from her as a tear ran down her cheek.

"Thank you Dan!"

His keen eye had found BJ just like anyone else could have but if Dan had missed him the first time, how long would it have been before someone tried coming down this way once more to check. It could have been several more hours. Rosetta was just happy he Dan had found him on the first pass.

Heading back to the four wheeler Rosetta gets on again making herself comfortable in a position she new she would be steady once they started moving again. Taking BJ from Mick, Rosetta nessles him in her arms keeping the blanket around him and holding him firmly so he wouldn't bump around to much.

"Hang in there Bud."

Placing a soft kiss on his for head Rosetta keeps him close as they set out. Though she new they had to move slow Rosetta wish they could go a little faster. Finally seeing the ranch come into voice and getting to Angel's office she lets out a sigh of releaf. At least BJ was home now.

As Mick takes him from her again Rosetta hopes off the four wheeler and quickly follows behind Mick up and into Angel's office.

Looking up as the door opens Angel new who it was already. Most everything was ready since Dan had given her the head up.

"Mick set him on the bed over there."

Pointing to the bed on the far right Angel had prepared it already with fresh linen so they could keep BJ there. Looking around the room quick it was a bit crowded and Angel new she would need the space and air to work. Not to mention not having both BJ's parents in here would be a good thing right now.

"Mick, Rosetta I need you guys to wait outside please. He'd in good hands, I promise."

Once Mick and Rosetta are gone Angel is able to set to work looking BJ over making sure she left nothing unturned of injures the small boy could of suffered.

Once outside Rosetta pases back and forth. She didn't know what she would do if BJ wasn't ok. He was her son, and she had become so fond of having him around. His laighter, the padding of his feet, the silly questions he asked when he just didn't understand something. She loved it all.

"How did this happen Mick? How could I not have been paying more attachen? I should have been checking on him more and I didn't. I just...I though he was safe here, and I never though he would of wondered off."

Rosetta's eyes were etched with emotion and worry. Small tears made there way down her cheeks. The silent prayer on her heart that BJ would be ok.

Feeling Jade's arms go around him Dan lets out a long sigh. Seeing BJ like he had, send a horrible fear into his heart and made his blood run cold. He hated seeing anyone hurt, let alone a child who could hardly defend themselves.

Letting his own arms lips around Jade he pulls her a little closer turning his head a little to nestle into her hair and let the sweet fragrance of her shampoo fill his nose. Just keeping his head there he talks a little muffled but to comfortable in this moment to move.

"He was knocked out when I found him and he has a nice gash on his head from a rock he hit. Other than that I couldn't tell. Mick and Rosetta took him over to Angel's to get him checked out."

Finally moving a little Dan lowers himself down to Jade's level to give her a kiss on the lips letting it linger a few moments before pulling away. Just looking down into Jade's eyes for such a long moment without her even saying anything he found the comfort he was looking for. She was so special to him, his shining star when everything else had gone out.

"If you want to help me rub this horse down, we can go grab some dinner and than see how BJ is doing."

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