

Once the ride is over, Gage's face is flushed with the adrenaline and his rare laughter. Looking over Sapphire's shoulder at the picture, he laughs again. "Aw great, first picture turned out great all right. Look at that look on my face." 

Still grinning, he slips his hand from hers and instead, he moves his arm around her shoulders. "Since my stomach is still in tact, I think it's time for some food. I even have a couple bucks on me." 

Scott looks up as Hope comes into the office, trying to bring a smile to his lips. "Hey." Receiving her kiss and hug, he returns the kiss, but not the hug, keeping his hands in his lap under the desk. 

"Oh... things have been okay." He gives Dalton a sidelong glance before looking back to Hope. His body rocks nervously in his chair without him even realizing it. "How 'bout you?"

Jade pries herself from Dan, returning a quick kiss before accepting her bag. Walking to the bus, she takes a few backward strides, giving Dan one last wave before boarding. It was going to be a nice long ride, but soon she would return. 

"Squeeze away." Ryder locks his fingers with Thirteen. "Just don't cut my blood circulation off." 

Hearing Katie's comment, he whacks the back of her seat. "Hey. Lippy sheilas don't get parachutes when it's time to jump." 

Jason quirks an eyebrow. "Oooh, now you're playing dirty." 

"Aussie's privilege." Ryder leans back in his seat and pulls the brim of his outback hat over his eyes. "Wake me up when we get there." 

The plane ride really doesn't take long at all, especially with the lighthearted banter that keeps up even after they land in Texas. Picking up a car and heading to the ranch, it's near nightfall by the time they arrive, and just in time for supper. 

Jason parks near the garage and helps grab bags and makes sure the other three are in toe before heading to the dining hall. They'd have to move their bags later, but at this time of evening, this was where everyone would be. Comfortable with the ranch, Jason goes ahead and opens the door for the others. 

Inside, the ranch is settling in for supper, the conversations and clanking of dinnerware filling the room. One of the closest to the door, Jeff turns in his seat, his eyes lighting up when he sees who had just entered. He's immediately on his feet, taking Katie into a hug. "Hey, Kiddo, you made it!" 

Jason grins and spots Wes with his Mom and Kaylee a few tables away, and waves to them. 

Ryder sticks close to Thirteen so she knows it's okay, his hand holding hers in a protective grip. He was fine with the small crowd even though he didn't know them, but he knew this was a big deal for her. They stand off to the side, just waiting for some introductions or cues as to what to do next. 

Sparky looks up from the side, seeing the visitors and he smiles. Giving Faith a little nudge with his knee under the table, he nods. "And here we have Katie, who I've told you about, her boyfriend Jason and.... looks like they brought some friends with them."

Trent wanders to the side door of the dining hall, having hardly been seen all day. No one knew where he disappeared to, but usually it was for several hours. Most of the time he showed up to help with chores and "earn his keep" as he said, but even after having been here for so long now, he still kept to himself.

Now he headed inside to join the others for supper, though usually he found his quiet corner to sit alone. Sometimes some of the others sought him out and sat with him because they thought he was lonely, but most of the time he just quietly observed the others, content with solitude.

Stepping through the door, he closes it behind him and his eyes scan the room. He wasn't the last one in, but almost. Starting for his usual table in the far corner, he stops in his tracks. He had heard Katie and Jason were coming but... they had brought Ryder and Jasmine? His face pales slightly. Whose idea had that been? Had someone told Jasmine the truth? Why would Ryder have let her come here?

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