

Once Scott leaves Dalton gives a shake of his head and lets out a heavy sigh. What could he do? Scott didn't want help now, He'd just about given up again letting the anger drive and control him. Dalton was worried but what could he do?

Grabbing his phone from his desk he hold it for a long moment, just turning it in his hand, over and over again. Would it be smart? If Scott found out would he be upset? Dalton could only reassure himself that if Scott was upset that latter he he could understand Dalton was only worried and trying to protect his little friend. Punching in the numbers on the phone Dalton brings it to his eat and waits till he hears the friendly voice on the other end.

"Hey its Dalton...I need to talk to you about Scott..."

And the moon comes up casting its glow those that wish. The light stretching from one street to the next. Flowing over houses and trees trying to light all the dark. But Night...night is not meant for than and soon the sun will be up to finish the moons job. Chasing the shadows, and creating new ones. Even if some heart had no will for light, it would still come, it would still enter.

Sitting behind her desk Sapphire new she would get Gage's voice mail as he was probably in the shower right now getting ready for his community service. She hadn't wanted to come into work today knowing she would see Scott, at a time like this she wished they didn't work together. But she had to be here, and whatever happen with Scott happened.

"Hey Gage is just me. I wanted to call and wish you a Good Morning before you started your day. I hope it turns into a good one and about 5 I'll see you back at your place so we can go get our hair cuts, and some nice cloths for Christmas...."

Looking up and seeing Scott on the other side of the wall Sapphire's eyes seemed to turn just a little bit cold, yet a flame seemed to flicker. It reason, or destination was masked but it was there. Just seeing her brother brought back the previous night with Gage.

"...I'll see ya at 5. Try and have a good one. Later."

Hanging up the phone Sapphire looks up at her brother again and gives a nod of her head but didn't offer a good morning back. Finally looking back her all the paper work on her desk Sapphire sighs. If she opened her mouth she was scared of what might come out, but she had to. She had to say something, she didn't want to fight here at work.

"Let do lunch today Scott about 12. I have something I need to talk to you about."

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