

Hearing about Libby's home life, Ty isn't too surprised, but he hadn't known it was that bad either. He was alone today too, but it wasn't because of a bad family life. It was just because he hadn't wanted to be anywhere else. His excuse was a poor one though, so he was just as glad that Libby didn't redirect the question back to him.

Taking another bite of his wrap, he lets her change the subject to the book she was holding. Cocking his head he looks at the cover and nods. "I've seen some movies of it. They say the book's always different though."

He's quiet a moment, realizing she'd talked about helping him again, now they were talking about a book. He couldn't get away from the subject if he wanted to. "Alright, so... you still want to help me to read, and I'm still not convinced you can. So in light of that competitive thought, when do you want to start?"

Mick laughs and nods. "Okay. I'll go first. But play nice, I haven't played in a while."

Settling into the game, he gives his full attention to BJ for a while. He had a lot to do, but BJ had been left out enough without his daddy around. It was catch up time.

"I love you too, Sweety." Jay didn't want to end the call either, but it had been good talking to Katie. "Have fun on your ride and tell Jason hi."

Finally ending the call, he hangs up and lets out a little sigh. He had two worlds to his life... the one here, and the one that revolved around Katie. But he didn't mind trying to juggle the two. It was worth it.

Hearing someone clear their throat, Alec's eyes fly open and he straightens from the stance he was in, turning to see the door. "Ryan... hi." A part of him still was surprised to see her, even though she'd said she'd come.

Letting his arms drop, he approaches slowly, hearing her comment about giving someone a run for their money. "Yeah, well... it's the only thing that's kept me sane around here."

Spying the bag, his nose catches a whiff of the food. Homemade? Really? "Homemade..." His eyes almost seem skeptical as if he couldn't believe she'd bring him something as good as that. Come to think of it... He furrows his brow. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had anything but restaurant food or frozen dinners. "Um..." He studies Ryan a moment. Somehow she always managed to surprise him in one way or another.

Finally he shakes his head and moves to the little table with two chairs. "I'll accept... if you sit and stay for a while."

Dinner with Sapphire's family had been a little nerve-wracking for Gage, but overall it had been pleasant. They were nice people, though it was obvious they didn't always know what to say to Gage or how to treat them. Sometimes someone would say something like, "So what is it that you do?" and a brief explanation would have to follow. It was times like that, that Gage was grateful Sapphire was there to help him out of the predicament.

It was a warm and friendly atmosphere though, and eventually Gage felt a little more at ease, realizing that no one was going to kick him out or ridicule him. He was a little disappointed at times, seeing Sapphire's mom and a little sad glint in her eye - he had figured out not long after arriving that it was because Scott was not there. Sapphire had convinced him to come anyway though, so he had, trying to make the best of it.

Now sitting at the large dining room table, the chatter around him continued as dessert was served. The homemade cherry pie was like nothing Gage had had before and he couldn't help sending Sapphire a look that told her he really liked it.

Somewhere in the middle of eating the phone rang, and Gage was informed it was for him. It was Reese.

Glancing to Sapphire, worry ran through Gage's eyes. Had something happened? Was he in trouble? Had he broken any rules? Swallowing hard, he leaves his half-eaten pie at the table, going to the kitchen to take the call. "Hello?"

He leans on the counter, afraid of what Reese might have to say, and on Christmas of all days. A few minutes later though, he was bent over the counter, tears glistening in his eyes, though he tried to hold them back. Still listening, he could hardly find his voice, afraid it might crack.

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