
So who...

Ty can't help the laugh that bubbles out. He had no embarrassment for the innocent flirting, but rather was enjoying it with Libby. He releases her leg and straightens in his seat, still grinning. "Well... maybe I'll have to show you sometime."

Finishing up his lunch, he offers her a mozzarella stick to help him finish them off. "Yes... it does feel like an ice cream day, actually. Nobody knows where I am, so it's my one free day."

His grin turns wry. "My folks in Texas think I'm at a dinner here, and my roommate thinks I'm in Texas." He shrugs. "So it's a free day."

Wiping his hands on his napkins, he finishes off his pop as his straw slurps at the bottom of his cup. "Ready?"

Alec's eyebrows rise just a little, seemingly surprised that Ryan had made the food herself. "Um... yeah." He clears his throat, not used to complimenting someone, or enjoying something that someone else had given him. "Yeah."

Taking a sip of water, he glances up at Ryan again. "You don't wear a ring." He holds up his own left hand, wiggling his fingers. "So who gets to enjoy your cooking?"

Jade beams and gives Dan's hand a squeeze. "You're the one deserving the thanks. I'm so glad you're here. This is the best Christmas ever."

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