

Spending time with Sapphire at the amusement park, Gage couldn't help but have fun. Though there was a dark cloud looming behind them, at least for this day, they could try to forget and just focus on thing that were not stressful. 

Waiting for Sapphire at the restrooms, Gage paces slowly, taking in the surrounding people. He watched their movements, expressions and their walk. It was an old habit for times when he needed to decide if he was surrounded by friend or foe. 

Rejoined by Sapphire, he grins. "A little? What's the fun of just screaming a little? Of course I'm ready. Lead the way." Taking her hand again, he lets her lead as he didn't know where any of the rides were. The line wasn't long, so it only took a few minutes before they were seated in the roller coaster. Harnessed in and slowly ascending, Gage looks down for a moment before giving Sapphire a sidelong glance. "I think I forgot to tell you...."

The coaster reaches the top of the hill, cresting to face the giant drop. "...I've never been on a rollercooaaaaaastteeerrrrrr!" His sentence is lost amidst his own yell as he screams right along with Sapphire. There was laughter in his voice though and by the second hill, his arms were in the air, feeling freer than he had in a very long time.

Scott lifts his head slightly, spying the can of pop. If he looked half as bad as he felt at the moment, it was no wonder Dalton thought he needed the pick-me-up. 

Straightening in his chair, Scott nods a little. "Thanks." He flips the can open and takes a long swallow of the cool drink. Setting it back down, he sighs, just thinking for a long moment. His phone rings in his pocket, but he ignores it. If it was his mother or sister, he didn't want to talk to them right now. Once he hears he has a new voice mail though, he listens to it, hearing Hope's message. At least she wasn't upset about Christmas. He'd hoped she wouldn't be coming back to the office today, but now she was, and there was no way he could hide his bandaged hands. 

Closing his phone, he sighs again. He wanted to go home. He wanted to go hide from the world. It wasn't fear this time. It was just.... everything felt so messed up. 

"I gotta get it out of my head," he murmurs. "The Agency put it in me, there's gotta be a way to take it out." 

With that thought, he leans to his computer, trying to at least get a little bit of work done. Opening his email though, and he felt another kick to his gut. He goes to reply, but then stops, closing out the email altogether. It wasn't worth the time. His sister wasn't going to listen to him no matter what he said. 

Forcing himself to work, he knows Hope will be arriving soon, so he better have a good reason for looking the way he did. Maybe if he just stayed seated at his desk, he could hide his hands in his lap. 

Jade sighs and looks to the bus then back at Dan. She felt like she was a magnet, stuck to his truck. She didn't want to go home... not right now. She loved her mom and knew her mom loved her, but Jade knew that eventually, the subject of her dad would be brought up and she really didn't want to deal with that now, not to mention everything going on with Dylan. 

Wrapping her arms around Dan as they stood on the sidewalk, she nestles her head against his chest. "I'll call you when I get there," she promises. 

A short walk on the tarmac, bags in hand and up the short flight of stairs. Into the jet and down the little aisle to find a good spot to sit, Ryder lets Thirteen take the window seat and eases down next to her. 

Nudging her with an elbow, he teases her. "Now if we're up in the air and you get sick, barf in the bag, not on my lap, alright?"

Jason grins as he hears Ryder and sit down in a seat closer to the back that had more room for his long legs. He was so used to the Elite jets that it was all routine to him. He throws Katie a wink. 
I hate to admit it but... those two are kinda cute.

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