

Hearing what Dylan said about Mick his face turn a slight shade of red as he frowns his brow. Placing both hands on the table and looking across it at Dylan.

"He does not lie."

BJ's voice raises just a little as he trys to express his own feelings. He didn't like hearing Dylan talk like that about dad. The young boy's heart was pure and in his eyes Mick was perfect.

"Anyways, I have to go...it will be breakfast soon. I'll see you later Big Brother."

Hoping off the chair once again BJ runs away from the table back to the little playroom where his toys were lined up.

Giving a laugh at the display again and shaking her head Ryan stands. Wondering over to Leo's car and leaning on the edge Ryan looks down at him from the top.

"I think dinner sounds good."

Leaning in a little more Ryan gives Leo a small kiss before pulling away. Term oil was hidden in her eyes. Many questions still layed unanswered, but she did still care a great deal for Leo. He meant a lot to her.

"I guess I better get to that pickup before the guys complain even more."

Backing away from Leo's car he was working on Ryan heads to the end of where the pick up truch was waiting. On her way by she throws a rage at Miles sticking her tong out at him..

"Come on slacker pick up the pace!"

Giving a nod even though his friend couldn't see him Dalton lets out a small sigh. At least Scott would think about it. That was better than just flat out saying no.

"Ok, just think about it and let me know."

Hanging up the phone Dalton lets out another long sigh. Going back to the computer he does a few more things to change Scott's password and a few other as well. For now it would stay like this until Scott gave the word everything was ok.

Rosetta new where Mick was coming from and that he didn't want to be in the way. But he never was, and she never would be. Any paper work about the ranch was always open to him. This was his ranch as much as hers.

Coming back to the question about Dan Rosetta thinks for a long moment. The young man had left, for reason's unknown but Katie had filled her in, saying Dan was sorry he didn't tell anyone he just needed to get away for the holiday.

"I believe he should be back sometime today. His work started again tomorrow, and he's always been good about being on time for work."

Wrapping her own arms around Sparky Faith soaked up all the warmth she could. Being so close, it felt so nice to have someone care so much for her. Faith could only hope everything would pass quickly and things could go back to normal for her and Sparky. Accepting the kiss only confermed how much she wanted everything to be over and normal once again.

Keeping her arms around Sparky and leaning into him they both make there way to the dinning hall. Faith could tell that today would be a good day, and being able to spend time with Sparky would be even better.

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