

Feeling Alec' arm slip around her wast and than the light kiss over her face till they stop at her lips Ryan feels once again everything she had yesterday. Seeming to get lost once again all was forgotten. Why did Alec alone make her feel this way.

Feeling weak in the knees like she might fall Ryan brings her one arm around Alec to his back holding onto him, and the other hand finds the back of his head her fingers combing through his hair lightly as she returned her his kiss with her own passion.

All else seemed for gotten.

Pulling away slightly Ryan turns her head the other way a small whisper leaving her lips...

"Your losing your hour of freedom you know."

Bringing her lips back to his once again Ryan continues the kiss. Moving her one hand that was on the back of his head to the side to draw circles around his ear and than back to his head once again raking her fingers through it a little rougher this time.

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