

Alec quirks an eyebrow, mimicking something close to a wry grin, but not quite. "Me? Naw... give me a grill and I can make a pretty good steak, but otherwise..." He shakes his head. "Been a long time since I've had food this good."

Proving his point, it's the turkey that's gone next, and sadly, the meal is gone. But Alec's stomach was full, and it was more than just food he'd received. When he was ready to admit it, he would be able to realize that it wasn't just the food that had been so good, but the thought behind it.

Sitting back a moment, he cocks his head at Ryan, the turning wheels in his mind almost visible. Whether he'd ever get out of here or not, Ryan definitely was different and she'd provided at least a few hours of sanity.

Pushing aside everything on the table, Alec reaches for the deck of cards. Shuffling them a few seconds, he starts to deal. "You win, you walk out of here free. You lose... you have to come back inside a week with food."

"Nooo problem." Ty slides out of the booth and gathers up his trash, throwing it into the nearby garbage. Making sure he's still got everything in his pockets, he nods. "Let's go raid an ice cream shop."

Getting outside, the clouds had covered up the sun, though it wasn't too cold of a day. Jackets were wanted, but otherwise it wasn't bad. It was still very quiet though, a reminder that this was indeed Christmas, whether it felt like it or not.

Hopping in the truck with Libby, Ty watches her drive while giving her directions. He seems intent on her driving itself, watching how she did everything and reminding himself that he knew well enough how to drive - it was the stupid test for his permit he couldn't get past. He doesn't say anything though... tomorrow he knew what he would bring. For today though, it was about fun.

Directing Libby to the little strip mall, Ty points out where the ice cream shop is. It wasn't the most popular strip mall in town so it usually got just enough business to stay open. Most likely the shops today were trying to gain a little extra business by being some of the only few places open at all.

Opening the door for Libby, Ty lets her go in first to order. He knew what flavors they had here - that made his own ordering easy. Gift racks were set up around the counter too. It was more than an ice cream shop, though most of his business was done through the cold treats.

Once Libby has ordered, Ty informs her he's paying and tells her to go find a booth and he'll bring the ice cream. After he's figured out what he wants, he finishes up the order, pays and carries it back to the table.

Coming up behind Libby, he slides the tray onto the table, and with his other arm, he reaches around her on the other side to deposit a cute little brown teddy bear that had a red santa hat on and was holding a candy cane. Ty has a cheesy grin as he scoots into the booth across from her. "He looked lonely. Merry Christmas."

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