

Seeing Scott's hands Hope's heart sinks though she was happy it was a punching bag he used and not someones face. Grabbing another fry Hope pops it into her mouth sitting back in the chair.

"I'm sorry you had a rough day. Want to talk about it? I have two good eats and all the time in the world."

Giving another friendly smile Hope would listen if Scott wanted to talk. She might be a councilor but like she told him before she is always a friend first and would always listen off the clock.

Getting an even bigger smile on his face BJ was happy to have a task of taking Jason to Wes and his mom. Taking Jason by the hand the little boy moved fast, but could hardly drag Jason seeing as his legs where longer. 

Seeing Jason on his way over Wes stands with Kaylee in arms and extends his free hand out to Jason giving a very big smile to his step son knowing this meant a lot to Cindy.

"Well look what the cat dragged in here. It good to see you Jason, you mother was worried sick you would change your mind after all."

Giving another nod Faith liked watching the family reunion, everyone exchanging there hugs, kiss, hellos and how are yous. It was a wonderful sight to see such a close family, it warmed Faith's heart. She was happy she would be able to meet everyone before her surgery as well, and not have to have them meet her first hand after.

"Thats really nice they came out for Christmas. I can tell it means alot for this family to be close and together. I like that."

Seeing Ryder's eyes fall on him Dan gives a nod to the new comer he had no met along with the young woman next to him. There seemed to be an off connection there for a moment but it soon broken as Katie goes to Ryder and Thirteen again.

"You guys can come and sit with Jason, my dad, Aunt and I if you like. They were just about to eat dinner or we made it in time."

Rosetta laughs at her niece and mess up her hair a little just happy to have the whole family around even if some of them didn't know it. Though she had to wonder what the intent of having Thirteen here was.

"Just like a Pent you are Katie always on time for food."

Feeling out of place Thirteen didnt know what to do or what to say. She hoped thing would get a little easier the longer they were here though. For now it was just....odd.

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