
Here we go again! O.O

Giving a shake of her head Ryan keeps Alec's words tucked into the back of her mind for now. Not saying anything else on them....for now.

Another snicker slips from her lips as she breaks and Alec goes forward a little. How could he have for gotten how she driver? She thought for sure it would live in his mind forever.

"Seat belts with me is probably a good thing. I like you better there, than a hood ornament."

Pulling into the parking lot of TGI Friday it was pretty easy to find a parking place. This time of day, and being the day after Christmas it was pretty deserted.

Parking Ryan takes the key out of the ignition and slips them into the pocket of her leather jacket. Just sitting in the car for a moment a grin forms on her lips at Alec's question. What drove her to do what she did next was something else she didn't know why.

Shifting a little Ryan's hand finds Alec's as her finger tips creep from his hand up his arm. Leaning over twords Alec Ryan can feel her heart thumping in her chest like it had any other time Alec came close to her.

Bringing her face extreaming close to his, her hand continues up his arm and than her fingers moves to run over his neck until she slip around to the back of of his head. Her fingers spreading apart through his hair, closing them around the soft strands. Her face not extremely close to his she could feel his breath on her skin.

Looking deep into Alec's eyes once more, Ryan's own reflected a burning fire behind them, but it was a much different than one of anger. This was was life and passion mixed with her rough nature. It was a look that perhaps she herself didn't even know she had. Ryan's lips so close to his they brush over them lightly. Her voice almost a whisper.

"Actually, I am very hungry. I hope you are too."

Pulling away and retreating her hand Ryan bows her head as the sassy, grin remains on her face. Getting out of the car Ryan takes a few steps twords the restront before stoping to wait for Alec.

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