

Sitting at his desk Dalton pulls up another text message file he had gotten from Sprint on Bree's parents phone. He'd hit the jackpot with this one and new it would come in handy. Totally lost in though Dalton gives a jump as the office door slams open and than shut again. Not having expected Scott back so soon. Snapping his head up his eyes filled with question from the look on his friends face. Something defiantly was not right.

About to say something Dalton stops again as Scott gets up one more time and leaves the room. Looking around fast Dalton takes note that his jacket was still there so it was obvious that he wasn't leaving again. Maybe he went to the bathroom or to grab a file. Dalton didnt like the feeling he had in his gut but waited.

As the minutes ticked by Dalton couldn't help but keep looking at the clock taking note that Scott was gone. Finally standing from his desk Dalton exits and looks up and down the hall. Listing closly for a moment Dalton thinks he might of heard something but it came from down below...from the....

...Who ever said big guys couldn't run were wrong, Dalton had opted to take the stairs and not the elevator it was quicker. Now coming to the room where the light was on Dalton caught his breath as he looked in and watch Scott for only a moment. Seeing his knuckles turn read, and that there was pain etched on his face Dalton hoped Scott would stop but seeing he wasn't Dalton couldn't stand there any longer. Opening the door and stepping in Dalton closed it again behind him.


No answer Dalton let his voice boom a little more.


Still no answer Dalton stepped up to his small friend and put a hand on his shoulder in case he hasnt heard him to let them know he was there.

"Scott...thats enough."

Still nothing but seeing the glazed look in Scott's eyes Dalton could tell he was in a different zone. Not being quick enough as his heart ached a strong blow came to the side of Dalton's face, and than again to his jaw. Stumbling back a little bit Dalton gave a shake of his head before looking up again, this time blocking Scott's punch. Dalton didnt want to hurt him so he was as gentil as he could be, wrapping his strong arms around Scott and holding his arms down.

"Scott, stop...Scott."

As Scott fraught his strength Dalton took a few steps backwards but stumbled on his own big feet. Falling he slams into the wall with a crash and slides to the floor his arms still around his friend. Forgetting his own pain that corsed through his side, more than likly a broken rib, and the pain in his face Dalton still held Scott.

"Scott its me...its Dalton...please stop...stop hurting yourself. Come on buddy its me."

Flicking the tears from her eyes Sapphire pulls up to the area where she new Gage was working today. She needed some company, and better yet she just wanted to go but had to make sure Gage was safe.

Turning the car off Sapphire gets out straightening her shirt out and backhand whipping the tears from her eyes. Reaching back into the car Sapphire grabs her sun glasses and slaps them on. Shutting the door she scans the side of the road where the inmates and other juveniles were working before he see Gage. 

Taking sight of the only officer there Sapphire makes her line twords him. He was an odd looking fellow, quite fat, gray hair but certainly did fit this position. Taking out her Elite badge Sapphire clears her throat.

"Excuse me Officer..."

Sapphire quints at the name on the badge.

"...Finkleton. My name is Sapphire Johnson I am an office with The Elite, and Gage Pelzer is in my care when he is not here. I need to take my Pelzer with me for some questioning on a recent discovery that has come up. I will be more than happy to sigh anything you need me to, to be able to take him, Or I can let you call my head and talk to him, but I doubt he would be to happy about that."

Sapphire stood talking to the office the sun gleaming off her hair, her arms folded across her chest once her badge was shown to the officer.

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