

Taking another bit of her food Hope continues to give Scott smiles. She was so happy to see him even if it hurt to see him like this. He had a lot more bottled inside from what Dalton had told her one the phone and she only wished he would consider talking about it. Hearing that he would not though Hope would be pashent, even if she wanted him to be ok now. It was a process and she wait for him on this one, keeping the councilor and girlfriend sepret was hard but she had too.

Hearing about Scott's sister Hope holds a sympathetic look on her face. She new Scott and Sapphire had just started to rebuild there relationship and were doing just fine. Now to know a monkey wrench was thrown into it was sad.

"Ah, Scott...I'm so sorry to hear that."

Moving her hand to Scott's arm Hope gives it a gentile rub and pat. She wanted him to know she was there for him, and cared very much. She always had, and always would.

"Things will you sister will work out Scott. Your family after all and can't stay mad forever. As for Christmas It's no problem like I said. There will be many more opportunity to meet your family, and just doing something special you and me will be nice as well. As long as I'm with you, anything is fun."

Reaching to unwrap her hamburger Hope takes a bit of it. Today had been a long day and she was starving. If her stomach had to make anymore noises Scott would hear them for sure, and THAT would be a little embarrassing.

Giving a laugh at Kaylee Wes can't help his surprise but doesn't scold Kaylee knowing she was just excited to see her brother.

"Man, she might be little but I think she has your strength already Jason."

Handing Kaylee off to Jason Wes just gives a small shake of his head. It was nice to see brother and sister together like this. In someways Kaylee looked so much like Jason when he was a baby he was sure they both got there good looks from mom, and maybe a little of his charm.

"She can't get enough of me at home. Sometimes I think Cindy gets jealous."

Wes wraps his arms around Cindy from behind for a moment clearly stating he was joking throwing Jason a wink knowing it would get her riled up. 

Coming up behind Jason Katie rolls her eyes as she pulls on Jason's laughter that was inside drawing it to her, and soaking in the joy.

"Calm...you calm..hardly. If anyone is the calm on here its me."

If you mom new I was worse than you I think he would worry. Two peas in a pod we are and that means trouble.

Katie pulls a little stronger on Jason's happy emotions as her own small laugh forms and a smile makes its way to her face. Being home...it just...made her feel so good, and once getting here it almost felt like all the stress was gone. Things that happened in the outside world from this place didn't enter here until they had to.

Looking up at Ryder Thirteen gives her the best smile she can. Squeezing Ryder's hand just a little her moves her feet with his. She was scared and nervous of these new people, but they all look friendly, and happy, a family! Thirteen would try her best to be brave but at the same time it seemed to send a new strange pain to her heart. This family was grand, and they welcomed home there own with open arms. This was something Thirteen longed for, but would probably never have.

Sitting down, Thirteen smiles at Ryder again slipping her head into his once more feeling the protection of his touch. She new she'd have to let go sooner or later but at least a little while longer till she was warmed up more she just wanted to actually feel him.

Turning her attachen to Cindy Thirteen just watched, as the woman stared back at her. When was she looking so hard, why did her eyes hold so many questions? Thirteen couldn't help but feel a little strange as she finally looks away and around the room. She wanted to be so brave, she wanted to show she could do this but how? This place was so new, so different and in a way it was so antimanating. Turning back to Cindy once again as she hears Jason talked about her Thirteen looked to Ryder  and than Cindy again. Her voice finally came out soft almost like a whisper clearly showing she was shy.

"Jason...talked about me?"

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