

Watching Ryder closely as he pushes the buttons on the washer and how much soap he put in so maybe one day she could try and surprise him by doing it herself. Last time she trued she shrunk most of the clothing.

Thinking about Ryder's question for a moment. Sometimes it was hard to remember the past and everything that happened with the Agency but if she thought hard enough she could. Finally giving a shake of her head she gives a small smile as a little worry laced her eyes. She'd seen planes before and the looked scary.

"Not that I can remember, but...I've read about plane crashes and stuff, its kind of scary looking."

Thirteen didn't like admitting something still bothered or scared her but it was better letting him know than for her to get upset and just shut down. She new Ryder would never make fun of her for it ether but help her get over her fear.

Seeing the look on Jade's face as she opened her gift Dan's eyes sparkled and the smile on his face grew even bigger. It felt good to know Jade liked the gift he had given her, and it made him feel good, that she felt good.

Helping her put the bracelet on Dan thought she looked amazing. The glitter of the bracelet casting little colors on her face and making her eyes stand out even more.

"Your very welcome. I am happy you like them."

Now being his turn to open his gift Dan takes the package gently. Removing the gloves and the belt Dan's eyes light up. Seeing his named engraved on the belt his fingers  run over it. That in itself was so special to him, certinly something special that no one else had given him before. Looking back in the bag and pulling out the CD and Book Dan chuckles and smile.

"I didnt think you would have remembered I wanted these."

Placing the book and CD back in the bag Dan holds the gloves and belt again for a long moment. These items had Jade's love in them, they meant the world to him. Looking up at her his eyes glisten.

"Thank you Jade so much. I love them."

Reaching out Dan push a peace of hair that had fallen out of place behind her head as his fingers linger there her thumb gently running over her ear.

"You mean the world to me Jade, and this will hold a special meaning to me. When ever I look at them I can think of you now."

Giving a knock on the door Sapphire waits for a moment before putting her key in the lock. Even though she had a key she still knocked once just to let Gage know someone was entering. 

Entering the dark apartment Sapphire shuts the door behind her a few bags in hand. Some with food to make for tonight, and a movie. The other bag help some wrapped gifts to put under Gage's tree. 

"Gage, are you home yet?"

It had been a pretty busy day at work, and not talking to Gage all day was rare but it was just to crazy to talk. Now though not hearing anything it made her worry just a little. Going to the kitchen first Sapphire puts the bags down on the counter. Than seeing the tree light on Sapphire makes her way over there. Her eyes scan the room. Seeing Gage on his bed Sapphire goes over to him and smile.

"Hey there, I was worried for a second. I brought over stuff to make some pizza and a few movies for us to watch tonight. How was your driving lesson? Did you learn a lot from that brother of mine?" 

Squatting down in front of the mattress to see Gage better she leans in and gives him a gentile kiss on the nose. Taking a closer look and now being eye level with Gage she could see something different in his eyes and it worried her just a little. Something didn't seem right. Sapphire waits to hear how Gage's day went.

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